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The Future Hero class system is based off [ d20 Modern Path]

Here is the is the list of The Future Path Base Classes. This is the foundation of a Future Path hero. The Future Hero Base Class is the framework upon which a Future character is built. The Future Hero comes from many different walks of life. You can future customize your hero as they progress by adding Archetypes and [[multiclass|multiple classes]].  
Here is 6 main Future Path Character Paths. This is the foundation of a Future Path hero. The Path chosen is the framework upon which a Future character is built. You can further customize your Hero as they progress by adding an [[Advance_Classes|Advance Class]] and for more advanced players [[ArchTypes|ArchTypes]], and [[Prestige_Classes|Prestige Classes]].  

'''NOTE:''' If you choose the [[Species#Ovex|Ovex]] species they have there own custom Path [[OvexPath|here]].

== '''Class Features''' ==
The following are class features of the Modern Hero. Each Modern Hero is unique and custom-made. This base class is the foundation and like transparency layers, Difficulties and Archetypes are added to fill the hero with depth and richness. The possible combinations are vast and the player is sure to find just the right build to fit nearly any character concept.

'''Role''': Any
== '''Path Features''' ==

'''Alignment''': Any
The following are features that help define the Character Path features. The main things that make each Path stand out from each other are '''Ability Affinity''', '''Hit Die''' and the '''Talent Trees'''. All these things are explained below in more detail.

'''Class Skills''': Start with any 6
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;Ability Affinity
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: This entry tells which ability the core class is associated with and has an "Affinity" for. This means that whenever doing a Saving Throw for that Ability you add the Core Classes "Advantage Die" as an extra modifier to the roll.

Skill Ranks per Level, Hit Dice, Base Attack Bonus, and Saves: See the “Heroics” class ability.
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Editing Character Sheet: This is located on the first page to the left just below Touch and Flat-Footed.

'''Starting Wealth''': A character's starting wealth is $100 plus 1d6 per each rank and bonus in any Profession skill x $100.
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;Hit Die
! style="text-algin:left;"|Level
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: The die type used by characters of the class to determine the number of hit points gained per level.  A player rolls one die of the given type each time his or her character gains a new level. The character’s Constitution modifier is applied to the roll. Add the result to the character’s hit point total. Even if the result is 0 or lower, the character always gains at least 1 hit point.
|1|| Archetype, Difficulties, Heroics, Talent, Traits
: <u>First Level</u>: A 1st-level character gets the maximum hit points rather than rolling (The Constitution modifier is still applied).
|2|| Archetype Training
: <u>Level Up Average</u>: This is the number of hit points (not including Conn mod) that a Character can gain instead of rolling for it. It is usually half the total possible for the die +1. There are more rules on the [[Character_Creation_and_Advancement#Calculating_Health|Character Creation and Advancement]] page.
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;Class Skills provided by Path
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: This section of a class description provides a list of class skills and also gives the number of skill points the character gains each level which implies how many skill points a Character starts out at level 1. A character’s Intelligence modifier is applied to determine the total skill points gained each level (but always at least 1 point per level, even for a character with an Intelligence penalty).
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Editing Character Sheet: This is located on the first page to the right. It is the large column that takes up most of the right side of the first page. The title is 'SKILLS'. This is where skills are recorded. Each skill has a box that can be checked to record if the skill is a class skill or not that is located to the very far left of the skill name. There are actually two boxes. One for 'Class' and one for 'Trained'. For all class skills, you can check the box under the 'Class' section.
: To learn more about skills you can go to the [[SkillsBasics|Skill Basics]] page.
: To learn more about spending skill points you can go to [[Character_Creation_and_Advancement#Allocate_Skill_Ranks| Allocate Skill Points]] on the Character Creation and Advancement page.
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;Skill Points at Each Additional Level
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: This is how many Skill points a new character gets each time they level up including level 1. It is either 1 + Int Mod or 2 + Int Mod.
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;Recommended Advance Classes
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: This is a recommendation of advanced classes that you can choose from. This is not a restriction nor a requirement. A player is free to choose whatever path they imagine there Character taking as long as it follows the rules. These are merrily suggestions to help a newer player make a choice.
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;Starting Feats
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: This is a section for all the default starting Feats. There are a few that are default for all Core Classes and may only be removed if an Advance Class restricts the Feat. To learn more about Feats review the Feats page [[Feats|here]].
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;Path Table (Located to the right of the Character Path Section)
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: This table details how a character improves as he or she attains higher levels in the Path. It includes the following information.
* Character’s Level: The character’s total level.
* Advantage Die: This is an extra Die that the Player gets to roll and add to any roll when doing an action or using a weapon that they have an 'Affinity'/'Proficiency' or otherwise has an advantage. It is also what the Character will add if the situation puts the Character at a disadvantage. To learn more review the [[Advantage]] page.
* Path Features: This entry details special characteristics of the Path, including feats and unique talents, that are gained as a character level up. Each is explained below:
**Talents: Every Path offers a selection of talents to choose from. A character gains a talent at 1st level and 6th, 12th, 18th levels.
**Feats: Every Path offers Starting [[Feats]] to choose from. A Character gains a Feat at 3rd, 9th, 15th levels.
* Extra Damage: This grants the Character the ability to deal Extra damage once per turn as a full round action.
* Custom Character Bonus: Here the character chooses between an Ability Score bonus of 2 additional Ability points to be added to any 2 or 1 Ability. of there choice or a Bonus Feat from the Misc Category. They gain this choice at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th levels.
== Path of Strength (Strong Hero) ==
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|+Table: The Strong Hero
! style="text-algin:left;"|Character <br />Level
! Advantage <br />Die
! Path  <br />Features
! Extra Damage
! Choose Between<br />Custom Character Bonus
|3|| Talent
|1st|| 1d2 || Talent || - || -
|4|| Bonus Feat
|2nd||1d2|| - || - || -
|5|| AC Bonus +1, Fame Bonus +1, Hero Point Bonus +1, Wealth Bonus +1
|3rd||1d2|| Feat  || - || -
|6|| Archetype Training
|4th||1d4|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|7|| Talent
|5th||1d4|| -  || Extra Damage || -
|8|| Bonus Feat
|6th||1d6|| Talent  || - || -
|9|| AC Bonus +2, Fame Bonus +2, Hero Point Bonus +2, Wealth Bonus +2
|7th||1d6|| - || - || -
|10|| Archetype Training
|8th||1d8|| -  || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|11|| Talent
|9th||1d8|| Feat || - || -
|12|| Bonus Feat
|10th||1d10 || - || - || -
|11th||1d10|| - || Extra Damage || -
|13|| AC Bonus +3, Fame Bonus +3, Hero Point Bonus +3, Wealth Bonus +3
|12th||1d12|| Talent || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|14|| Archetype Training
|13th||1d12|| - || - || -
|15|| Talent
|14th||1d12|| - || - || -
|16|| Bonus Feat
|15th||2d8|| Feat || - || -
|17|| AC Bonus +4, Fame Bonus +4, Hero Point Bonus +4, Wealth Bonus +4
|16th||2d8|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|18|| Archetype Training
|17th||2d8|| - || Extra Damage || -
|19|| Talent
|18th||2d10|| Talent || -|| -
|19th||2d10|| - || - || -
|20|| Bonus Feat
|20th||2d10|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)

They are Heroes that favor strength and action over sitting and thinking. It's not necessary that they do not appreciate or value intelligence its just they find using their strength a more natural and dependable way to solve problems. Most of these people are martial artists, some types of soldiers, athletes and people that rely on their physical power.  
This is the hero’s primary career. An Archetype must be chosen at 1st level (unless the "No Class" Difficulty is taken) and cannot be changed as higher levels are achieved.

Archetypes also have unique Training abilities, offering further specialization and customization.
<u>Ability Affinity</u>: Strength

'''Advanced Training'''
<u>Hit Die</u>: 1d8 (First Level: 8, Level Up Average: 5)

Archetypes have access to unique levels of training called “Advanced Training”. These are the similar to normal training but are unavailable for use with the “Cross Training” talent.
<u>Class Skills provided by Path</u>: The Strong hero’s class [[Skills]] (and the key ability for each skill) are: [[Athletics]](Str), Choose Two: [ [[Intimidate]](Cha), [[Sense_Motive|Sense Motive]](Wis), [[Survival]](Wis)]

<u>'''Armor Class Bonus'''</u>
Also, the starting occupation selected can provide additional class skills to choose from.

The hero gains a bonus to their base armor class.
<u>Skill Points at Each Additional Level</u>: 1 + Int modifier.

<u>Recommended Advance Classes</u>: [[Advance_Classes#Dimension_Knight|Dimension Knight]], [[Advance_Classes#Helix_Warrior|Helix Warrior]]

All heroes have their issues. These are similar to flaws but are designed for the Modern Hero and will grant them a bonus feat or talent for each Difficulty that is taken on. These are optional and you may choose up to two Difficulties at first level. The Game Master may allow you to take more if warranted.
<u>Starting Feats</u>: [[Athletic]] or [[Confident]]

<u>'''Fame Bonus'''</u>
=== Strength Talents ===
: At 1st, 6th, 12th and 18th level the Strong Hero gain a Talent. You must select a Talent tree to follow.

Fame is the total number of Prestige Points earned in a faction. The character can put this Fame bonus in any faction they wish. This bonus will raise your Fame score and Prestige Points in an equal amount.
;Extreme Effort Talent Tree
:A Strong hero can push him or herself to make an extreme effort. Take the following '''in order'''.
# Extreme Effort: The effort requires a full-round action and provides an [[Advantage|advantage]] bonus on the check. The check can be for anything. You must decide to use this ability before making the check. This can only be done once per day before rest.
# Athleticism: The Hero can swim and climb at the same speed as they can walk or run.
# Improved Extreme Effort: As Extreme Effort but now it provides x2 Advantage or be done twice a day. So you can do it once and gain x2 Advantage or do Extreme Effort and only get one advantage and save another chance to do give another Extreme Effort another time.
# Advanced Extreme Effort: Just as Improved Extreme Effort but now x3 Advantage and can also be divided up. The Hero can choose to do three attempts in a day each providing 1 Advantage die or do 2 Extreme Efforts one providing x2 while the other providing only x1. Or finally, the Hero can do 1 Extreme Effort and gain a Triple Advantage.

For every 10 points of Fame, a character gains a cumulative +1 bonus on Diplomacy checks within that faction.
;Melee Smash Talent Tree
: The Strong hero has an innate talent that increases melee damage. Take the following '''in order'''.
# Melee Smash: The Strong hero receives a +1 bonus on melee damage.
# Combat Expert: The Strong hero gains an [[Techniques#Combat.2C_Advance_Techniques|Advanced Combat Technique]] for free.
# Improved Melee Smash: The Strong hero receives an additional +1 bonus on melee damage (+2 total).
# Advanced Melee Smash: The Strong hero receives an additional +1 bonus on melee damage (+3 total).

== Path of Dexterity (Fast Hero) ==

The Modern Hero picks an advancement path based on the six attributes. His chosen attribute has various effects on class advancement and his Hero Point score.
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|+Table: The Fast Hero
'''Path of Heroes'''
! style="text-algin:left;"|Character <br />Level
! Affinity  <br />Die
The chosen attribute will provide his Hit Dice, Skill Ranks per Level, Base Attack Bonus, and Saving Throws to the Modern Hero class.
! Path  <br />Features
! Extra Damage
Note: If you wish you wish to use the previous version of archetype advancement, the character cannot take Path of Heroes advancement also.
! Choose Between<br />Custom Character Bonus
== Path of Strength ==
Hit Dice per Level: d10
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|+Skill Ranks per Level: 3 + Int modifier.
! style="text-algin:left;"|Level
!Base Attack
!Fort / Ref / Will Save
|1||+1||+2 / +0 / +0
|2||+2||+3 / +0 / +0
|3||+3||+3 / +1 /+1
|1st|| 1d2 || Talent || - || -
|4||+4||+4 / +1 / +1
|2nd||1d2|| - || - || -
|5||+5||+4 / +1 / +1
|3rd||1d2|| Feat  || - || -
|6||+6/+1||+5 / +2 / +2
|4th||1d4|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|7||+7/+2||+5 / +2 / +2
|5th||1d4|| -  || Extra Damage || -
|8||+8/+3||+6 / +2 / +2
|6th||1d6|| Talent  || - || -
|9||+9/+4||+6 / +3 / +3
|7th||1d6|| - || - || -
|10||+10/+5||+7 / +3 / +3
|8th||1d8|| -  || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|11||+11/+6/+1||+7 / +3 / +3
|9th||1d8|| Feat || - || -
|12||+12/+7/+2||+8 / +4 / +4
|10th||1d10 || - || - || -
|11th||1d10|| - || Extra Damage || -
|13||+13/+8/+3||+8 / +4 / +4
|12th||1d12|| Talent || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|14||+14/+9/+4||+9 / +4 / +4
|13th||1d12|| - || - || -
|15||+15/+10/+5||+9 / +5 / +5
|14th||1d12|| - || - || -
|16||+16/+11/+6/+1||+10 / +5 / +5
|15th||2d8|| Feat || - || -
|17||+17/+12/+7/+2||+10 / +5 / +5
|16th||2d8|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|18||+18/+13/+8/+3||+11 / +6 / +6
|17th||2d8|| - || Extra Damage || -
|19||+19/+14/+9/+4||+11 / +6 / +6
|18th||2d10|| Talent || -|| -
|19th||2d10|| - || - || -
|20||+20/+15/+10/+5||+12 / +6 / +6
|20th||2d10|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
These Heroes have good reflexes, hand-eye coordination and agility. They are people who value speed and flexibility when dealing with physical tasks. They are pilots, some types of soldiers that concentrate on ranged weapons, or people who may wish to get in and out of a situation quickly.

== Path of Dexterity ==
<u>Ability Affinity</u>: Dexterity

Hit Dice per Level: d8
<u>Hit Die</u>: 1d8  (First Level: 8, Level Up Average: 5)

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<u>Class Skills provided by Path</u>: The Fast hero’s class [[Skills]] (and the key ability for each skill) are: [[Acrobatics]](Dex), Choose Two: [ [[Pilot]](Dex) [[Sleight_of_Hand|Sleight of Hand]](Dex), [[Stealth]](Dex)]
|+Skill Ranks per Level: 7 + Int modifier.
! style="text-align:left;"| Level
Also, the starting occupation the character selects can provide additional class skills to choose from.
!Base Attack
!Fort / Ref / Will Save
<u>Skill Points at Each Additional Level</u>: 1 + Int modifier.
<u>Recommended Advance Classes</u>: [[Advance_Classes#Starfighter|Starfighter]], [[Advance_Classes#Space_Marine|Space Marine]]
<u>Starting Feats</u>: [[Athletic]] or [[Acrobatic]]
=== Dexterity Talents ===
: At 1st, 6th, 12th and 18th level, the Fast Hero gains a Talent. You must select a Talent tree to follow.
; Defensive Talent Tree
: The Fast hero gains the ability to improve his or her innate defensive talents as the hero attains new levels. Take the following '''in order'''.
# Evasion: The Fast hero gets a +1 to Dexterity Saving throws.
# Uncanny Dodge: Once per day, if not Fatigued or Exhausted, the Fast hero can contest a successful hit with a Dexterity Saving throw with the DC being the opponent's accuracy check. If successful the Fast hero successful doges the attack.
# Improved Evasion: The Fast Hero gets another +1 to Dexterity Saving throws.
# Improved Uncanny Dodge:  Like Uncanny Dodge but now once per combat.
; Aggressive Talent Tree
: The Fast hero can increase his or her natural base speed. Take the following '''in order'''.
# Increased Speed: The Fast hero’s base speed increases by 5 feet.
# Applied Acrobatics: This allows a Fast Hero to ignore disadvantage when fighting while swimming or climbing, on uneven terrain.
# Improved Increased Speed: The Fast hero’s base speed increases by 5 feet. This talent stacks with increased speed (10 feet total). The Hero gains advantage when performing Charge or Tackle Combat Techniques.
# Advanced Increased Speed: The Fast hero’s base speed increases by 5 feet. This talent stacks with increased speed and improved increased speed (15 feet total). The Hero gains another advantage when performing Charge or Tackle Combat Techniques stacking from Improved Increase Speed.
== Path of Constitution (Tough  Hero) ==
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|+Table: The Tough Hero
! style="text-algin:left;"|Character <br />Level
! Advantage <br />Die
! Path  <br />Features
! Extra Damage
! Choose Between<br />Custom Character Bonus
|1||+0||+0 / +2 / +0
|1st|| 1d2 || Talent || - || -
|2||+1||+0 / +3 / +0
|2nd||1d2|| - || - || -
|3||+2||+1 / +3 / +1
|3rd||1d2|| Feat || - || -
|4||+3||+1 / +4 / +1
|4th||1d4|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|5||+3 ||+1 / +4 / +1
|5th||1d4|| - || Extra Damage || -
|6||+4||+2 / +5 / +2
|6th||1d6|| Talent || - || -
|7||+5||+2 / +5 / +2
|7th||1d6|| - || - || -
|8||+6/+1||+2 / +6 / +2
|8th||1d8|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|9||+6/+1||+3 / +6 / +3
|9th||1d8|| Feat || - || -
|10||+7/+2||+3 / +7 / +3
|10th||1d8 || - || - || -
|11th||1d10|| - || Extra Damage || -
|11||+8/+3||+3 / +7 / +3
|12th||1d10|| Talent || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|13th||1d10|| - || - || -
|12||+9/+4||+4 / +8 / +4
|14th||1d12|| - || - || -
|13||+9/+4||+4 / +8 / +4
|15th||1d12|| Feat || - ||  
|14||+10/+5||+4 / +9 / +4
|16th||1d12|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|15||+11/+6/+1||+5 / +9 / +5
|17th||2d8|| - || Extra Damage || -
|16||+12/+7/+2||+5 / +10 / +5
|18th||2d8|| Talent || - || -
|19th||2d8|| - || - || -
|17||+12/+7/+2||+5 / +10 / +5
|20th||2d10|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|18||+13/+8/+3||+6 / +11 / +6
A Tough Hero is less worried about being hit or pushed to the front lines. They can shrug off things and keep moving that would down others. They are built like a tank and have great stamina. These are people who are more willing to do dangerous things. They are more likely to survive the harshness of Space exploration and are usually the defenders of support military units.
|19|||+14/+9/+4||+6 / +11 / +6
<u>Ability Affinity</u>: Constitution
|20||+15/+10/+5||+6 / +12 / +6
<u>Hit Die</u>: 1d10 (First Level: 10, Level Up Average: 6)
<u>Class Skills</u>
The Constitution hero’s class [[Skills]] (and the key ability for each skill) are: [[Athletics]](Str), Choose Two: [ [[Acrobatics]](Dex), [[Intimidate]](Cha), [[Survival]](Wis), [[Perception]](Wis)]
Also, the starting occupation the character selects can provide additional class skills to choose from.
<u>Skill Points at Each Additional Level</u>: 1 + Int modifier.
<u>Recommended Advance Classes</u>: [[Advance_Classes#Dreadnought|Dreadnought]], [[Advance_Classes#Shield_Splicer|Shield Splicer]]
<u>Starting Feats</u>: [[Endurance]] or [[Confident]]
=== Constitution Talents ===
: At 1st, 6th, 12th and 18th level, the Tough Hero gains a Talent. You must select a Talent tree to follow.
; Healthy Talent Tree
: The Tough hero has more than normal Stamina and seams to be able to take more of a beating before going down. Take the following '''in order'''.
# Healthy Body: The Tough Hero gets 1 extra hit point per level.
# Stamina: The Tough hero recovers twice as fast as normal. The Character only needs 4 hours of rest to count for 'Full Rest' and healing over time acts twice as fast. For more rules on healing over time go to [[Health_and_Injury#Natural_Healing|Health and Injury]] page.
# Improved Healthy Body: The Tough Hero now gets 2 extra hit points per level.
# Advanced Healthy Body: The Touch Hero now gets 3 extra hit points per level.
; Damage Resistance Talent Tree
: The Tough hero is particularly resistant to certain kinds of deadly energy effects. These talents can be selected in any order. Except for the 'Damage Reduction' which has Prerequisites.
* Chemical Resistance: The Tough hero 1 DR against Chemical damage. At 8th level this becomes 2 DR and at 16 it becomes 3 DR.
* Kinetic Resistance: The Tough hero 1 DR against Kinetic damage. At 10 level this becomes 2 DR.
* Electricity Resistance: The Tough hero 1 DR against Electricity damage. At 8th level this becomes 2 DR and at 16 it becomes 3 DR.
* Thermal Resistance: The Tough hero 1 DR against Thermal damage. At 8th level this becomes 2 DR and at 16 it becomes 3 DR.
* Damage Reduction 1: The Tough hero ignores 1 point of damage from melee and ranged weapons.
** Prerequisite: One other talent from either the Healthy Talent Tree or the Unbreakable Talent Tree.
* Damage Reduction 2: The Tough hero ignores an additional 1 point of damage from melee and ranged weapons (DR 2 total).
** Prerequisites: Damage reduction 1
* Damage Reduction 3: The Tough hero ignores an additional 1 point of damage from melee and ranged weapons (DR 3 total).
** Prerequisites: Damage reduction 2

== Path of Constitution ==
;Unbreakable Talent Tree
:The Tough hero is particularly resilient thanks to the following talents. You do not need to take the following in order.
* Undying: The Tough hero gains +10 Constitution when considered Unstable or Dying. This goes away once stabilized. If the damage left is less then zero then there Con Score is brought too 1.
* Remain Conscious: The Tough hero gains the ability to continue to perform move actions when he or she would otherwise be considered unconscious or dying. When the Tough hero’s hit points reach 0 and they are considered Unstable or Dying, the hero can perform a move action every round until death or stabilized. The hero can choose to succumb to unconsciousness if he or she thinks that doing so might be a better option. The move action cannot be a FULL action and thus cannot run or sprint or do anything else except the talk Free action. (However the Hero's speech sounds extremely weak)
* Second Wind: The Tough hero can spend a full round action once per day and only if not [[Conditions#Fatigued|fatigued]] or [[Conditions#Exhausted|exhausted]]. When the hero does this, the player can roll the hit die (1d10) and recover that amount of health. This talent does not increase the Tough hero’s hit points beyond the character’s full normal total. At 10th level this increases to two hit die. (2d10)
** Prerequisites: Undying or Remain Conscious.
* Iron Stomach:  The Tough hero can once per day shrug off a [[Conditions#Nauseated|Nauseated]] or [[Conditions#-_Sickened|Sickened]] condition.

Hit Dice per Level: d12
== Path of Intelligence (Smart Hero) ==

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|+Skill Ranks per Level: 3+ Int modifier.
|+Table: The Smart Hero
! style="text-algin:left;"|Level
! style="text-algin:left;"|Character <br />Level
!Base Attack
! Advantage <br />Die
!Fort / Ref / Will Save
! Path  <br />Features
! Extra Damage
|1||+1||+2 / +0 / +0
! Choose Between<br />Custom Character Bonus
|2||+2||+3 / +0 / +0
|3||+3||+3 / +1 / +1
|4||+4||+4 / +1 / +1
|5||+5||+4 / +1 / +1
|1st|| 1d2 || Talent || - || -
|6||+6/+1||+5 / +2 / +2
|2nd||1d2|| - || - || -
|7||+7/+2||+5 / +2 / +2
|3rd||1d2|| Feat || - || -
|8||+8/+3||+6 / +2 / +2
|4th||1d4|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|9||+9/+4||+6 / +3 / +3
|5th||1d4|| - || - || -
|10||+10/+5||+7 / +3 / +3
|6th||1d6|| Talent || - || -
|11||+11/+6/+1||+7 / +3 / +3
|7th||1d6|| - || Extra Damage || -
|12||+12/+7/+2||+8 / +4 / +4
|8th||1d6|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|13||+13/+8/+3||+8 / +4 / +4
|9th||1d8|| Feat || - || -
|10th||1d8 || - || - || -
|11th||1d8|| - || - || -
|14||+14/+9/+4||+9 / +4 / +4
|12th||1d10|| Talent || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|15||+15/+10/+5||+9 / +5 / +5
|13th||1d10|| - || Extra Damage || -
|16||+16/+11/+6/+1||+10 / +5 / +5
|14th||1d10|| - || - || -
|17||+17/+12/+7/+2||+10 / +5 / +5
|15th||1d12|| Feat || - || -
|18||+18/+13/+8/+3||+11 / +6 / +6
|16th||1d12|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|19||+19/+14/+9/+4||+11 / +6 / +6
|17th||1d12|| - || - || -
|20||+20/+15/+10/+5||+12 / +6 / +6
|18th||2d8|| Talent || - || -
|19th||2d8|| - || Extra Damage || -
|20th||2d8|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
The Smart Hero is all about brains over brawn. They relay on there academic knowledge to deal with what life throws at them. Most are brainy or bookworms and sometimes sure of themselves and there expertise. These are your scientists and engineers, they will be working with robots or studying alien life forms. In the military they are used to help make a unit more flexible.
<u>Ability Affinity</u>: Intelligence
<u>Hit Die</u>: 1d6 (First Level: 6, Level Up Average: 4)

== Path of Intelligence ==
<u>Class Skills provided by Path</u>: The Smart hero’s class [[Skills]] (and the key ability for each skill) are: [[Computer_Use|Computer Use]](Int), [[Study]](Int), Choose Two: [(Any [[Knowledge]] Skill)(Int), (Any One [[Craft]] Skill)(Int)]

Hit Dice per Level: d8
Also, the starting occupation the hero selects can provide additional class skills to choose from.

{| class="wikitable"
<u>Skill Points at Each Additional Level</u>: 2 + Int modifier.
|+Skill Ranks per Level: 7 + Int modifier.
! style="text-algin:left;"|Level
<u>Recommended Advance Classes</u>: [[Advance_Classes#Engineer|Engineer]], [[Advance_Classes#Electro-Mancer|Electro-Mancer]], [[Advance_Classes#Technosavant|Technosavant]]
!Base Attack
!Fort / Ref / Will Save
<u>Starting Feats</u>: [[Educated]] or [[Studious]]
=== Intelligence Talents ===
: At 1st, 6th, 12th and 18th level, the Smart Hero gains a Talent. You must select a Talent tree to follow.
; Research Talent Tree
: The Smart hero has a natural aptitude for study and fact-finding. Take the following '''in order'''.
# Research: Gain a +1 Misc bonus to any Intelligence based Skill.
# Book Worm: Gain a +2 Misc bonus to the Study skill.
# Savant: Select any one Knowledge or one Crafting skill to be a class skill.
# Improved Research: Gain another +1 Misc bonus to any Intelligence base Skill.
; Strategy Talent Tree
: The Smart hero has the brainpower to see solutions in most situations. Take the following '''in order'''.
# Strategy:  Once per combat the Smart hero can use her Intelligence mod instead of Strength or Dexterity for an accuracy check against an opponent.
# Exploit Weakness: After 1 round of combat, the Smart hero can designate one opponent and try to find ways to gain an advantage by using brains over brawn. The Smart hero makes an Intelligence check (DC 15 + CR rating above Character Level) with a bonus equal to half his or her Smart level round down as a Simple action. If the target has a CR rating of 7 and the Hero is level 5 then the DC would be 17. If the check succeeds, 1d6 rounds the Smart hero adds his or her Intelligence Mod as bonus damage since the hero has found weaknesses in his opponent’s fighting style.
# Improved Strategy: This is Strategy except now it is once per opponent instead of combat, and you gain a +1 to accuracy when doing this.
# Advanced Strategy: This is Improved Strategy except now the Hero can use this ability twice per opponent and the bonus is +2
== Path of Wisdom (Dedicated Hero) ==
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-left: 10px;"
|+Table: The Dedicated Hero
! style="text-algin:left;"|Character <br />Level
! Advantage <br />Die
! Path  <br />Features
! Extra Damage
! Choose Between<br />Custom Character Bonus
|1||+0||+0 / +0 / +2
|1st|| 1d2 || Talent || - || -
|2||+1||+0 / +0 / +3
|2nd||1d2|| - || - || -
|3||+2||+1 / +1 / +3
|3rd||1d2|| Feat || - || -
|4||+3||+1 / +1 / +4
|4th||1d4|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|5||+3||+1 / +1 / +4
|5th||1d4|| - || Extra Damage || -
|6||+4||+2 / +2 / +5
|6th||1d6|| Talent || - || -
|7||+5||+2 / +2 / +5
|7th||1d6|| - || - || -
|8||+6/+1||+2 / +2 / +6
|8th||1d8|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|9||+6/+1||+3 / +3 / +6
|9th||1d8|| Feat || - || -
|10||+7/+2||+3 / +3 / +7
|10th||1d8 || - || - || -
|11th||1d10|| - || Extra Damage || -
|11||+8/+3||+3 / +3 / +7
|12th||1d10|| Talent || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|13th||1d10|| - || - || -
|12||+9/+4||+4 / +4 / +8
|14th||1d12|| - || - || -
|13||+9/+4||+4 / +4 / +8
|15th||1d12|| Feat || - ||  
|14||+10/+5||+4 / +4 / +9
|16th||1d12|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|15||+11/+6/+1||+5 / +5 / +9
|17th||2d8|| - || Extra Damage || -
|16||+12/+7/+2||+5 / +5 / +10
|18th||2d8|| Talent || - || -
|19th||2d8|| - || - || -
|17||+12/+7/+2||+5 / +5 / +10
|20th||2d10|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|18||+13/+8/+3||+6 / +6 / +11
A Dedicated Hero is one that is focused and driven. They usually are the ones in a group with the most common sense and intuition. They can stay focused when others cannot and might be able to read an situation better then others. militaries have found that they make the best medics. Explorers and bounty hunters also require a massive amount of determination to find there targets or explore the great unknown expanses of the universe.
|19||+14/+9/+4||+6 / +6 / +11
<u>Ability Affinity</u>: Wisdom
|20||+15/+10/+5||+6 / +6 / +12
<u>Hit Die</u>: 1d6 (First Level: 6, Level Up Average: 4)
<u>Class Skills provided by Path</u>: The Dedicated hero’s class [[Skills]] (and the key ability for each skill) are: [[Perception]](Wis), [[Sense_Motive|Sense Motive]](Wis), Choose Two: [ [[Profession]](Wis), [[Diplomacy]](Cha), [[Survival]](Wis), [[Study]](Int)], Any One [[Knowledge]](Int)
Also, the starting occupation the hero selects can provide additional class skills to choose from.
<u>Skill Points at Each Additional Level</u>: 2 + Int modifier.
<u>Recommended Advance Classes</u>: [[Advance_Classes#Xenophile|Xenophile]], [[Advance_Classes#Tracer|Tracer]], [[Advance_Classes#Combat Medic|Combat Medic]]
<u>Starting Feats</u>: [[Studious]] or [[Attentive]]

== Path of Wisdom ==
=== Wisdom Talents ===
: At 1st, 6th, 12th and 18th level, the Dedicated Hero gains a Talent. You must select a Talent tree to follow.

Hit Dice per Level: d8
; Empathetic Talent Tree
: The Dedicated hero’s innate talents give him or her a great capacity for empathy. Take the following '''in order'''.
# Empathy: The Dedicated hero has a knack for being sensitive to the feelings and thoughts of others without having those feelings and thoughts communicated in an objectively explicit manner. +1 Misc bonus to the [[Sense_Motive|Sense Motive]] Skill.
# Improved Aid Another: The Dedicated hero’s bonus on attempts to aid another increase by +1 on a successful aid another check. This changes to +2 at level 12 and changes again to +3 at level 18.
# Improved Empathy: Gain an additional +1 to the [[Sense_Motive|Sense Motive]] Skill. (The total should now be +2) As well as +1 to [[Diplomacy|Diplomacy]].
# Advanced Empathy: Gain an additional +1 to the [[Sense_Motive|Sense Motive]] Skill. (The total should now be +3) As well as an additional +1 to [[Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]. (now the total bonus should be +2)

{| class="wikitable"
; Healing Talent Tree
|+Skill Ranks per Level: 5 + Int modifier.
: The Dedicated hero has a talent for healing. Take the following '''in order'''.
! style="text-algin:left;"|Level
# Healing Touch: The Wise hero gains a +1 Misc to the [[Treat_Injury|Treat Injury]] skill.
!Base Attack
# Healing Expert: When not in combat and the Wise hero is healing someone using a Professional Kit they provide an Advantage Bonus worth of HP to the target.
!Fort Save
# Improved Healing Touch: Gain an additional +1 to the [[Treat_Injury|Treat Injury]] skill. (The total should now be +2)
!Ref Save
# Advanced Healing Touch:  Gain an additional +1 to the [[Treat_Injury|Treat Injury]] Skill. (The total should now be +3)
!Will Save

; Aware Talent Tree
: The Dedicated hero’s innate senses serves her well. Take the following '''in order'''.
# Aware: The Dedicated hero chooses either [[Survival|Survival]] or [[Perception|Perception]] to gain a +1 Misc Bonus.
# Attentive: The Dedicated hero is intuitively aware of his or her surroundings. The Dedicated hero's Passive [[Perception]] score is now +1. At lvl 12 it goes to +2, and at lvl 18 it goes to +3.
# Improved Awareness: The Dedicated hero chooses either [[Survival|Survival]] or [[Perception|Perception]] to gain a +1 Misc Bonus.
# Advanced Awareness: The Dedicated hero chooses either [[Survival|Survival]] or [[Perception|Perception]] to gain a +1 Misc Bonus.

== Path of Charisma ==
== Path of Charisma (Charismatic Hero) ==

Hit Dice per Level: d8

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-left: 10px;"
|+Skill Ranks per Level: 5 + Int modifier.
|+Table: The Charismatic Hero
! style="text-algin:left;"|Level
! style="text-algin:left;"|Character <br />Level
!Base Attack
! Advantage <br />Die
!Fort Save
! Path  <br />Features
!Ref Save
! Extra Damage
!Will Save
! Choose Between<br />Custom Character Bonus
|1st|| 1d2 || Talent || - || -
|2nd||1d2|| - || - || -
|3rd||1d2|| Feat || - || -
|4th||1d4|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|5th||1d4|| - || - || -
|6th||1d6|| Talent || - || -
|7th||1d6|| - || Extra Damage || -
|8th||1d6|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|9th||1d8|| Feat || - || -
|10th||1d8 || - || - || -
|11th||1d8|| - || - || -
|12th||1d10|| Talent || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|13th||1d10|| - || Extra Damage || -
|14th||1d10|| - || - || -
|15th||1d12|| Feat || - || -
|16th||1d12|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
|17th||1d12|| - || - || -
|18th||2d8|| Talent || - || -
|19th||2d8|| - || Extra Damage || -
|20th||2d8|| - || - || Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
The Charismatic Hero is never shy and always willing to take advantage of either there looks or words to influence others or get there own way. They can be seductive and interesting people and poses a personal magnetism that can make them natural leaders. Many companies and governments use such people as envoys or ambassadors. Military officers as well as crooks that while try to swindle your money away.

'''Hero Points'''
<u>Ability Affinity</u>: Charisma
The Modern Hero class uses a customized version of the Hero Point optional rules. Hero Points replace the old MSRD Action Points.
<u>Hit Die</u>: 1d6 (First Level: 6, Level Up Average: 4)
The Modern Hero class begins with 1 Hero Point and gains 1 Hero Point every level. There is no maximum number the Modern Hero can have. The Modern Hero then chooses any attribute to be associated with his Hero Points and the chosen attribute modifier is added to the total number of Hero Points. Once chosen, the attribute cannot be later changed.
Hero Points = 1 + (chosen attribute modifier) + level.
The Modern Hero can spend a number of Hero Points each round equal to 1+1/2 level.
Hero Points can be used in a variety ways. For example if a Talent says “Once per day (or for 1 Hero Point)”, this represents that the Talent can be used once a day and if a Hero Point is spent, the Talent can be activated again.
Hero Points that are spent in the normal fashion (Bonuses, Extra Actions, Cheat Death...etc.) will be permanently lost as per standard rules.

Your campaign type will also determine the rate your Hero Points are replenished.
<u>Class Skills provided by Path</u>: The Charismatic hero’s class [[Skills]] (and the key ability for each skill) are: [[Diplomacy]](Cha), Perform(Cha), Choose Two: [ [[Profession]](Wis), [[Bluff]](Cha), [[Disguise]](Cha), [[Sense_Motive|Sense Motive]](Wis)], Any One [[Knowledge]](Int)
Campaign Type Example
Low Power Hero Points are permanently spent. Hero Points are gained at 1 per level + (your chosen ability modifier) and with additional various bonuses. There is no maximum number you can have.
Standard Power Hero Points are not permanently spent and are replenished after a level is gained. Hero Points are gained at 1 per level + (your chosen ability modifier) and with additional various bonuses. There is no maximum number you can have.
High Power Hero Points are not permanently spent and are replenished after each adventure. Hero Points are gained at a rate of 1 per level + (your chosen ability modifier) and with additional various bonuses. There is no maximum number you can have.
Epic Power Hero Points are not permanently spent, but are replenished after 8 hours of complete rest. Hero Points are gained at a rate of 1 per level + (your chosen ability modifier) and with additional various bonuses. There is no maximum number you can have.

Also, the starting occupation the hero selects can provide additional class skills to choose from.

Talents are available to the Modern Hero class, even those without an Archetype. Unless otherwise noted, all Talents are extraordinary abilities.
<u>Skill Points at Each Additional Level</u>: 2 + Int modifier.

<u>Recommended Advance Classes</u>: [[Advance_Classes#Envoy|Envoy]], [[Advance_Classes#Field_Officer|Field Officer]], [[Advance_Classes#Swindler|Swindler]]

These are special abilities associated with the hero's Archetype. It is possible to gain Training abilities from another archetype by taking the “Cross Training” Talent. This will open up the Training tree of that Archetype to the hero. If a hero took the “No Class” Difficulty, Training slots can be used to gain Talents or Feats instead.
<u>Starting Feats</u>: [[Deceptive]] or [[Trustworthy]]

<u>'''Wealth Bonus'''</u>
=== Charisma Talents ===
: At 1st, 6th, 12th and 18th level, the Charismatic Hero gains a Talent. You must select a Talent tree to follow.

The Wealth bonus is a skill bonus to any Profession skill. The Profession skill is used to determine the character's starting money and at the end of each adventure a “Day Job” roll for increased funds.
; Persuasive Talent Tree
: The Charismatic hero has an innate talent for being charming and captivating. Take the following '''in order'''.
# Persuasive: The Charismatic Hero chooses between [[Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] or [[Intimidate|Intimidate]] skills to gain a +1 Misc bonus.
# Inspirational: The Charismatic Hero can try to be inspirational while aiding another. They gain an advantage to add another, and the help provides an additional +2 bonus.
# Improved Persuasion: The Charismatic Hero chooses between [[Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] or [[Intimidate|Intimidate]] skills to gain a +1 Misc bonus.
# Advanced Persuasion: The Charismatic Hero chooses between [[Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] or [[Intimidate|Intimidate]] skills to gain a +1 Misc bonus.

<u>'''Weapon Proficiency'''</u>
; Beguile Talent Tree
: The Charismatic hero has an innate talent for bending the truth and dazzling others with a combination of words, mannerisms, and charm. Take the following '''in order'''.
# Deceiver: The Charismatic Hero choosing between [[Bluff|Bluff]] or [[Disguise|Disguise]] skills to gain a +1 Misc bonus.
# Charm: The Charismatic hero gets a competence advantage bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks made to influence members of a chosen gender. (Some characters are charming to members of the opposite gender, others to members of the same gender.) A Charismatic hero can only charm GM characters with attitudes of indifferent or better and of a sentient species. The charm bonus can’t be used against characters who are unfriendly or hostile.
# Improved Deceiver: The Charismatic Hero choosing between [[Bluff|Bluff]] or [[Disguise|Disguise]] skills to gain a +1 Misc bonus.
# Advanced Deceiver: The Charismatic Hero choosing between [[Bluff|Bluff]] or [[Disguise|Disguise]] skills to gain a +1 Misc bonus.

The Modern Hero is proficient in all Simple Weapons.
; Leadership Talent Tree
: The Charismatic hero has a talent for leadership and inspiration. Take the following '''in order'''.
# Coordinate: The Charismatic hero has a knack for getting people to work together. When the hero can spend a full round directing his or her allies and makes a Charisma check (DC 10 + number of people), the hero provides any of his or her allies within 30 feet a +1 bonus on their accuracy checks and skill checks. This lasts for 1d4 rounds. The hero can only coordinate up to 3 party members, and this does not include themselves.
# Confidence: Once per day the Charismatic Hero can gather his or her's confidence to gain an advantage on any Charisma-based check.
# Improved Coordinate: Like Coordinate except it provides a +2 bonus and lasts for 1d6 rounds.
# Advanced Coordinate: Like Coordinate except it provides a +3 bonus and lasts for 1d8 rounds.

Latest revision as of 04:13, 18 May 2019

Here is 6 main Future Path Character Paths. This is the foundation of a Future Path hero. The Path chosen is the framework upon which a Future character is built. You can further customize your Hero as they progress by adding an Advance Class and for more advanced players ArchTypes, and Prestige Classes.

NOTE: If you choose the Ovex species they have there own custom Path here.

Path Features

The following are features that help define the Character Path features. The main things that make each Path stand out from each other are Ability Affinity, Hit Die and the Talent Trees. All these things are explained below in more detail.

Ability Affinity
This entry tells which ability the core class is associated with and has an "Affinity" for. This means that whenever doing a Saving Throw for that Ability you add the Core Classes "Advantage Die" as an extra modifier to the roll.
Editing Character Sheet: This is located on the first page to the left just below Touch and Flat-Footed.
Hit Die
The die type used by characters of the class to determine the number of hit points gained per level. A player rolls one die of the given type each time his or her character gains a new level. The character’s Constitution modifier is applied to the roll. Add the result to the character’s hit point total. Even if the result is 0 or lower, the character always gains at least 1 hit point.
First Level: A 1st-level character gets the maximum hit points rather than rolling (The Constitution modifier is still applied).
Level Up Average: This is the number of hit points (not including Conn mod) that a Character can gain instead of rolling for it. It is usually half the total possible for the die +1. There are more rules on the Character Creation and Advancement page.
Class Skills provided by Path
This section of a class description provides a list of class skills and also gives the number of skill points the character gains each level which implies how many skill points a Character starts out at level 1. A character’s Intelligence modifier is applied to determine the total skill points gained each level (but always at least 1 point per level, even for a character with an Intelligence penalty).
Editing Character Sheet: This is located on the first page to the right. It is the large column that takes up most of the right side of the first page. The title is 'SKILLS'. This is where skills are recorded. Each skill has a box that can be checked to record if the skill is a class skill or not that is located to the very far left of the skill name. There are actually two boxes. One for 'Class' and one for 'Trained'. For all class skills, you can check the box under the 'Class' section.
To learn more about skills you can go to the Skill Basics page.
To learn more about spending skill points you can go to Allocate Skill Points on the Character Creation and Advancement page.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level
This is how many Skill points a new character gets each time they level up including level 1. It is either 1 + Int Mod or 2 + Int Mod.
Recommended Advance Classes
This is a recommendation of advanced classes that you can choose from. This is not a restriction nor a requirement. A player is free to choose whatever path they imagine there Character taking as long as it follows the rules. These are merrily suggestions to help a newer player make a choice.
Starting Feats
This is a section for all the default starting Feats. There are a few that are default for all Core Classes and may only be removed if an Advance Class restricts the Feat. To learn more about Feats review the Feats page here.
Path Table (Located to the right of the Character Path Section)
This table details how a character improves as he or she attains higher levels in the Path. It includes the following information.
  • Character’s Level: The character’s total level.
  • Advantage Die: This is an extra Die that the Player gets to roll and add to any roll when doing an action or using a weapon that they have an 'Affinity'/'Proficiency' or otherwise has an advantage. It is also what the Character will add if the situation puts the Character at a disadvantage. To learn more review the Advantage page.
  • Path Features: This entry details special characteristics of the Path, including feats and unique talents, that are gained as a character level up. Each is explained below:
    • Talents: Every Path offers a selection of talents to choose from. A character gains a talent at 1st level and 6th, 12th, 18th levels.
    • Feats: Every Path offers Starting Feats to choose from. A Character gains a Feat at 3rd, 9th, 15th levels.
  • Extra Damage: This grants the Character the ability to deal Extra damage once per turn as a full round action.
  • Custom Character Bonus: Here the character chooses between an Ability Score bonus of 2 additional Ability points to be added to any 2 or 1 Ability. of there choice or a Bonus Feat from the Misc Category. They gain this choice at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th levels.

Path of Strength (Strong Hero)

Table: The Strong Hero
Extra Damage Choose Between
Custom Character Bonus
1st 1d2 Talent - -
2nd 1d2 - - -
3rd 1d2 Feat - -
4th 1d4 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
5th 1d4 - Extra Damage -
6th 1d6 Talent - -
7th 1d6 - - -
8th 1d8 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
9th 1d8 Feat - -
10th 1d10 - - -
11th 1d10 - Extra Damage -
12th 1d12 Talent - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
13th 1d12 - - -
14th 1d12 - - -
15th 2d8 Feat - -
16th 2d8 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
17th 2d8 - Extra Damage -
18th 2d10 Talent - -
19th 2d10 - - -
20th 2d10 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)

They are Heroes that favor strength and action over sitting and thinking. It's not necessary that they do not appreciate or value intelligence its just they find using their strength a more natural and dependable way to solve problems. Most of these people are martial artists, some types of soldiers, athletes and people that rely on their physical power.

Ability Affinity: Strength

Hit Die: 1d8 (First Level: 8, Level Up Average: 5)

Class Skills provided by Path: The Strong hero’s class Skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Athletics(Str), Choose Two: [ Intimidate(Cha), Sense Motive(Wis), Survival(Wis)]

Also, the starting occupation selected can provide additional class skills to choose from.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 1 + Int modifier.

Recommended Advance Classes: Dimension Knight, Helix Warrior

Starting Feats: Athletic or Confident

Strength Talents

At 1st, 6th, 12th and 18th level the Strong Hero gain a Talent. You must select a Talent tree to follow.
Extreme Effort Talent Tree
A Strong hero can push him or herself to make an extreme effort. Take the following in order.
  1. Extreme Effort: The effort requires a full-round action and provides an advantage bonus on the check. The check can be for anything. You must decide to use this ability before making the check. This can only be done once per day before rest.
  2. Athleticism: The Hero can swim and climb at the same speed as they can walk or run.
  3. Improved Extreme Effort: As Extreme Effort but now it provides x2 Advantage or be done twice a day. So you can do it once and gain x2 Advantage or do Extreme Effort and only get one advantage and save another chance to do give another Extreme Effort another time.
  4. Advanced Extreme Effort: Just as Improved Extreme Effort but now x3 Advantage and can also be divided up. The Hero can choose to do three attempts in a day each providing 1 Advantage die or do 2 Extreme Efforts one providing x2 while the other providing only x1. Or finally, the Hero can do 1 Extreme Effort and gain a Triple Advantage.
Melee Smash Talent Tree
The Strong hero has an innate talent that increases melee damage. Take the following in order.
  1. Melee Smash: The Strong hero receives a +1 bonus on melee damage.
  2. Combat Expert: The Strong hero gains an Advanced Combat Technique for free.
  3. Improved Melee Smash: The Strong hero receives an additional +1 bonus on melee damage (+2 total).
  4. Advanced Melee Smash: The Strong hero receives an additional +1 bonus on melee damage (+3 total).

Path of Dexterity (Fast Hero)

Table: The Fast Hero
Extra Damage Choose Between
Custom Character Bonus
1st 1d2 Talent - -
2nd 1d2 - - -
3rd 1d2 Feat - -
4th 1d4 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
5th 1d4 - Extra Damage -
6th 1d6 Talent - -
7th 1d6 - - -
8th 1d8 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
9th 1d8 Feat - -
10th 1d10 - - -
11th 1d10 - Extra Damage -
12th 1d12 Talent - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
13th 1d12 - - -
14th 1d12 - - -
15th 2d8 Feat - -
16th 2d8 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
17th 2d8 - Extra Damage -
18th 2d10 Talent - -
19th 2d10 - - -
20th 2d10 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)

These Heroes have good reflexes, hand-eye coordination and agility. They are people who value speed and flexibility when dealing with physical tasks. They are pilots, some types of soldiers that concentrate on ranged weapons, or people who may wish to get in and out of a situation quickly.

Ability Affinity: Dexterity

Hit Die: 1d8 (First Level: 8, Level Up Average: 5)

Class Skills provided by Path: The Fast hero’s class Skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Acrobatics(Dex), Choose Two: [ Pilot(Dex) Sleight of Hand(Dex), Stealth(Dex)]

Also, the starting occupation the character selects can provide additional class skills to choose from.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 1 + Int modifier.

Recommended Advance Classes: Starfighter, Space Marine

Starting Feats: Athletic or Acrobatic

Dexterity Talents

At 1st, 6th, 12th and 18th level, the Fast Hero gains a Talent. You must select a Talent tree to follow.
Defensive Talent Tree
The Fast hero gains the ability to improve his or her innate defensive talents as the hero attains new levels. Take the following in order.
  1. Evasion: The Fast hero gets a +1 to Dexterity Saving throws.
  2. Uncanny Dodge: Once per day, if not Fatigued or Exhausted, the Fast hero can contest a successful hit with a Dexterity Saving throw with the DC being the opponent's accuracy check. If successful the Fast hero successful doges the attack.
  3. Improved Evasion: The Fast Hero gets another +1 to Dexterity Saving throws.
  4. Improved Uncanny Dodge: Like Uncanny Dodge but now once per combat.

Aggressive Talent Tree
The Fast hero can increase his or her natural base speed. Take the following in order.
  1. Increased Speed: The Fast hero’s base speed increases by 5 feet.
  2. Applied Acrobatics: This allows a Fast Hero to ignore disadvantage when fighting while swimming or climbing, on uneven terrain.
  3. Improved Increased Speed: The Fast hero’s base speed increases by 5 feet. This talent stacks with increased speed (10 feet total). The Hero gains advantage when performing Charge or Tackle Combat Techniques.
  4. Advanced Increased Speed: The Fast hero’s base speed increases by 5 feet. This talent stacks with increased speed and improved increased speed (15 feet total). The Hero gains another advantage when performing Charge or Tackle Combat Techniques stacking from Improved Increase Speed.

Path of Constitution (Tough Hero)

Table: The Tough Hero
Extra Damage Choose Between
Custom Character Bonus
1st 1d2 Talent - -
2nd 1d2 - - -
3rd 1d2 Feat - -
4th 1d4 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
5th 1d4 - Extra Damage -
6th 1d6 Talent - -
7th 1d6 - - -
8th 1d8 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
9th 1d8 Feat - -
10th 1d8 - - -
11th 1d10 - Extra Damage -
12th 1d10 Talent - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
13th 1d10 - - -
14th 1d12 - - -
15th 1d12 Feat -
16th 1d12 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
17th 2d8 - Extra Damage -
18th 2d8 Talent - -
19th 2d8 - - -
20th 2d10 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)

A Tough Hero is less worried about being hit or pushed to the front lines. They can shrug off things and keep moving that would down others. They are built like a tank and have great stamina. These are people who are more willing to do dangerous things. They are more likely to survive the harshness of Space exploration and are usually the defenders of support military units.

Ability Affinity: Constitution

Hit Die: 1d10 (First Level: 10, Level Up Average: 6)

Class Skills The Constitution hero’s class Skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Athletics(Str), Choose Two: [ Acrobatics(Dex), Intimidate(Cha), Survival(Wis), Perception(Wis)]

Also, the starting occupation the character selects can provide additional class skills to choose from.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 1 + Int modifier.

Recommended Advance Classes: Dreadnought, Shield Splicer

Starting Feats: Endurance or Confident

Constitution Talents

At 1st, 6th, 12th and 18th level, the Tough Hero gains a Talent. You must select a Talent tree to follow.
Healthy Talent Tree
The Tough hero has more than normal Stamina and seams to be able to take more of a beating before going down. Take the following in order.
  1. Healthy Body: The Tough Hero gets 1 extra hit point per level.
  2. Stamina: The Tough hero recovers twice as fast as normal. The Character only needs 4 hours of rest to count for 'Full Rest' and healing over time acts twice as fast. For more rules on healing over time go to Health and Injury page.
  3. Improved Healthy Body: The Tough Hero now gets 2 extra hit points per level.
  4. Advanced Healthy Body: The Touch Hero now gets 3 extra hit points per level.
Damage Resistance Talent Tree
The Tough hero is particularly resistant to certain kinds of deadly energy effects. These talents can be selected in any order. Except for the 'Damage Reduction' which has Prerequisites.
  • Chemical Resistance: The Tough hero 1 DR against Chemical damage. At 8th level this becomes 2 DR and at 16 it becomes 3 DR.
  • Kinetic Resistance: The Tough hero 1 DR against Kinetic damage. At 10 level this becomes 2 DR.
  • Electricity Resistance: The Tough hero 1 DR against Electricity damage. At 8th level this becomes 2 DR and at 16 it becomes 3 DR.
  • Thermal Resistance: The Tough hero 1 DR against Thermal damage. At 8th level this becomes 2 DR and at 16 it becomes 3 DR.
  • Damage Reduction 1: The Tough hero ignores 1 point of damage from melee and ranged weapons.
    • Prerequisite: One other talent from either the Healthy Talent Tree or the Unbreakable Talent Tree.
  • Damage Reduction 2: The Tough hero ignores an additional 1 point of damage from melee and ranged weapons (DR 2 total).
    • Prerequisites: Damage reduction 1
  • Damage Reduction 3: The Tough hero ignores an additional 1 point of damage from melee and ranged weapons (DR 3 total).
    • Prerequisites: Damage reduction 2
Unbreakable Talent Tree
The Tough hero is particularly resilient thanks to the following talents. You do not need to take the following in order.
  • Undying: The Tough hero gains +10 Constitution when considered Unstable or Dying. This goes away once stabilized. If the damage left is less then zero then there Con Score is brought too 1.
  • Remain Conscious: The Tough hero gains the ability to continue to perform move actions when he or she would otherwise be considered unconscious or dying. When the Tough hero’s hit points reach 0 and they are considered Unstable or Dying, the hero can perform a move action every round until death or stabilized. The hero can choose to succumb to unconsciousness if he or she thinks that doing so might be a better option. The move action cannot be a FULL action and thus cannot run or sprint or do anything else except the talk Free action. (However the Hero's speech sounds extremely weak)
  • Second Wind: The Tough hero can spend a full round action once per day and only if not fatigued or exhausted. When the hero does this, the player can roll the hit die (1d10) and recover that amount of health. This talent does not increase the Tough hero’s hit points beyond the character’s full normal total. At 10th level this increases to two hit die. (2d10)
    • Prerequisites: Undying or Remain Conscious.
  • Iron Stomach: The Tough hero can once per day shrug off a Nauseated or Sickened condition.

Path of Intelligence (Smart Hero)

Table: The Smart Hero
Extra Damage Choose Between
Custom Character Bonus
1st 1d2 Talent - -
2nd 1d2 - - -
3rd 1d2 Feat - -
4th 1d4 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
5th 1d4 - - -
6th 1d6 Talent - -
7th 1d6 - Extra Damage -
8th 1d6 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
9th 1d8 Feat - -
10th 1d8 - - -
11th 1d8 - - -
12th 1d10 Talent - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
13th 1d10 - Extra Damage -
14th 1d10 - - -
15th 1d12 Feat - -
16th 1d12 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
17th 1d12 - - -
18th 2d8 Talent - -
19th 2d8 - Extra Damage -
20th 2d8 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)

The Smart Hero is all about brains over brawn. They relay on there academic knowledge to deal with what life throws at them. Most are brainy or bookworms and sometimes sure of themselves and there expertise. These are your scientists and engineers, they will be working with robots or studying alien life forms. In the military they are used to help make a unit more flexible.

Ability Affinity: Intelligence

Hit Die: 1d6 (First Level: 6, Level Up Average: 4)

Class Skills provided by Path: The Smart hero’s class Skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Computer Use(Int), Study(Int), Choose Two: [(Any Knowledge Skill)(Int), (Any One Craft Skill)(Int)]

Also, the starting occupation the hero selects can provide additional class skills to choose from.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Recommended Advance Classes: Engineer, Electro-Mancer, Technosavant

Starting Feats: Educated or Studious

Intelligence Talents

At 1st, 6th, 12th and 18th level, the Smart Hero gains a Talent. You must select a Talent tree to follow.
Research Talent Tree
The Smart hero has a natural aptitude for study and fact-finding. Take the following in order.
  1. Research: Gain a +1 Misc bonus to any Intelligence based Skill.
  2. Book Worm: Gain a +2 Misc bonus to the Study skill.
  3. Savant: Select any one Knowledge or one Crafting skill to be a class skill.
  4. Improved Research: Gain another +1 Misc bonus to any Intelligence base Skill.
Strategy Talent Tree
The Smart hero has the brainpower to see solutions in most situations. Take the following in order.
  1. Strategy: Once per combat the Smart hero can use her Intelligence mod instead of Strength or Dexterity for an accuracy check against an opponent.
  2. Exploit Weakness: After 1 round of combat, the Smart hero can designate one opponent and try to find ways to gain an advantage by using brains over brawn. The Smart hero makes an Intelligence check (DC 15 + CR rating above Character Level) with a bonus equal to half his or her Smart level round down as a Simple action. If the target has a CR rating of 7 and the Hero is level 5 then the DC would be 17. If the check succeeds, 1d6 rounds the Smart hero adds his or her Intelligence Mod as bonus damage since the hero has found weaknesses in his opponent’s fighting style.
  3. Improved Strategy: This is Strategy except now it is once per opponent instead of combat, and you gain a +1 to accuracy when doing this.
  4. Advanced Strategy: This is Improved Strategy except now the Hero can use this ability twice per opponent and the bonus is +2

Path of Wisdom (Dedicated Hero)

Table: The Dedicated Hero
Extra Damage Choose Between
Custom Character Bonus
1st 1d2 Talent - -
2nd 1d2 - - -
3rd 1d2 Feat - -
4th 1d4 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
5th 1d4 - Extra Damage -
6th 1d6 Talent - -
7th 1d6 - - -
8th 1d8 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
9th 1d8 Feat - -
10th 1d8 - - -
11th 1d10 - Extra Damage -
12th 1d10 Talent - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
13th 1d10 - - -
14th 1d12 - - -
15th 1d12 Feat -
16th 1d12 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
17th 2d8 - Extra Damage -
18th 2d8 Talent - -
19th 2d8 - - -
20th 2d10 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)

A Dedicated Hero is one that is focused and driven. They usually are the ones in a group with the most common sense and intuition. They can stay focused when others cannot and might be able to read an situation better then others. militaries have found that they make the best medics. Explorers and bounty hunters also require a massive amount of determination to find there targets or explore the great unknown expanses of the universe.

Ability Affinity: Wisdom

Hit Die: 1d6 (First Level: 6, Level Up Average: 4)

Class Skills provided by Path: The Dedicated hero’s class Skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Perception(Wis), Sense Motive(Wis), Choose Two: [ Profession(Wis), Diplomacy(Cha), Survival(Wis), Study(Int)], Any One Knowledge(Int)

Also, the starting occupation the hero selects can provide additional class skills to choose from.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Recommended Advance Classes: Xenophile, Tracer, Combat Medic

Starting Feats: Studious or Attentive

Wisdom Talents

At 1st, 6th, 12th and 18th level, the Dedicated Hero gains a Talent. You must select a Talent tree to follow.
Empathetic Talent Tree
The Dedicated hero’s innate talents give him or her a great capacity for empathy. Take the following in order.
  1. Empathy: The Dedicated hero has a knack for being sensitive to the feelings and thoughts of others without having those feelings and thoughts communicated in an objectively explicit manner. +1 Misc bonus to the Sense Motive Skill.
  2. Improved Aid Another: The Dedicated hero’s bonus on attempts to aid another increase by +1 on a successful aid another check. This changes to +2 at level 12 and changes again to +3 at level 18.
  3. Improved Empathy: Gain an additional +1 to the Sense Motive Skill. (The total should now be +2) As well as +1 to Diplomacy.
  4. Advanced Empathy: Gain an additional +1 to the Sense Motive Skill. (The total should now be +3) As well as an additional +1 to Diplomacy. (now the total bonus should be +2)
Healing Talent Tree
The Dedicated hero has a talent for healing. Take the following in order.
  1. Healing Touch: The Wise hero gains a +1 Misc to the Treat Injury skill.
  2. Healing Expert: When not in combat and the Wise hero is healing someone using a Professional Kit they provide an Advantage Bonus worth of HP to the target.
  3. Improved Healing Touch: Gain an additional +1 to the Treat Injury skill. (The total should now be +2)
  4. Advanced Healing Touch: Gain an additional +1 to the Treat Injury Skill. (The total should now be +3)
Aware Talent Tree
The Dedicated hero’s innate senses serves her well. Take the following in order.
  1. Aware: The Dedicated hero chooses either Survival or Perception to gain a +1 Misc Bonus.
  2. Attentive: The Dedicated hero is intuitively aware of his or her surroundings. The Dedicated hero's Passive Perception score is now +1. At lvl 12 it goes to +2, and at lvl 18 it goes to +3.
  3. Improved Awareness: The Dedicated hero chooses either Survival or Perception to gain a +1 Misc Bonus.
  4. Advanced Awareness: The Dedicated hero chooses either Survival or Perception to gain a +1 Misc Bonus.

Path of Charisma (Charismatic Hero)

Table: The Charismatic Hero
Extra Damage Choose Between
Custom Character Bonus
1st 1d2 Talent - -
2nd 1d2 - - -
3rd 1d2 Feat - -
4th 1d4 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
5th 1d4 - - -
6th 1d6 Talent - -
7th 1d6 - Extra Damage -
8th 1d6 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
9th 1d8 Feat - -
10th 1d8 - - -
11th 1d8 - - -
12th 1d10 Talent - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
13th 1d10 - Extra Damage -
14th 1d10 - - -
15th 1d12 Feat - -
16th 1d12 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)
17th 1d12 - - -
18th 2d8 Talent - -
19th 2d8 - Extra Damage -
20th 2d8 - - Ability/Bonus Feat(Misc)

The Charismatic Hero is never shy and always willing to take advantage of either there looks or words to influence others or get there own way. They can be seductive and interesting people and poses a personal magnetism that can make them natural leaders. Many companies and governments use such people as envoys or ambassadors. Military officers as well as crooks that while try to swindle your money away.

Ability Affinity: Charisma

Hit Die: 1d6 (First Level: 6, Level Up Average: 4)

Class Skills provided by Path: The Charismatic hero’s class Skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Diplomacy(Cha), Perform(Cha), Choose Two: [ Profession(Wis), Bluff(Cha), Disguise(Cha), Sense Motive(Wis)], Any One Knowledge(Int)

Also, the starting occupation the hero selects can provide additional class skills to choose from.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Recommended Advance Classes: Envoy, Field Officer, Swindler

Starting Feats: Deceptive or Trustworthy

Charisma Talents

At 1st, 6th, 12th and 18th level, the Charismatic Hero gains a Talent. You must select a Talent tree to follow.
Persuasive Talent Tree
The Charismatic hero has an innate talent for being charming and captivating. Take the following in order.
  1. Persuasive: The Charismatic Hero chooses between Diplomacy or Intimidate skills to gain a +1 Misc bonus.
  2. Inspirational: The Charismatic Hero can try to be inspirational while aiding another. They gain an advantage to add another, and the help provides an additional +2 bonus.
  3. Improved Persuasion: The Charismatic Hero chooses between Diplomacy or Intimidate skills to gain a +1 Misc bonus.
  4. Advanced Persuasion: The Charismatic Hero chooses between Diplomacy or Intimidate skills to gain a +1 Misc bonus.
Beguile Talent Tree
The Charismatic hero has an innate talent for bending the truth and dazzling others with a combination of words, mannerisms, and charm. Take the following in order.
  1. Deceiver: The Charismatic Hero choosing between Bluff or Disguise skills to gain a +1 Misc bonus.
  2. Charm: The Charismatic hero gets a competence advantage bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks made to influence members of a chosen gender. (Some characters are charming to members of the opposite gender, others to members of the same gender.) A Charismatic hero can only charm GM characters with attitudes of indifferent or better and of a sentient species. The charm bonus can’t be used against characters who are unfriendly or hostile.
  3. Improved Deceiver: The Charismatic Hero choosing between Bluff or Disguise skills to gain a +1 Misc bonus.
  4. Advanced Deceiver: The Charismatic Hero choosing between Bluff or Disguise skills to gain a +1 Misc bonus.
Leadership Talent Tree
The Charismatic hero has a talent for leadership and inspiration. Take the following in order.
  1. Coordinate: The Charismatic hero has a knack for getting people to work together. When the hero can spend a full round directing his or her allies and makes a Charisma check (DC 10 + number of people), the hero provides any of his or her allies within 30 feet a +1 bonus on their accuracy checks and skill checks. This lasts for 1d4 rounds. The hero can only coordinate up to 3 party members, and this does not include themselves.
  2. Confidence: Once per day the Charismatic Hero can gather his or her's confidence to gain an advantage on any Charisma-based check.
  3. Improved Coordinate: Like Coordinate except it provides a +2 bonus and lasts for 1d6 rounds.
  4. Advanced Coordinate: Like Coordinate except it provides a +3 bonus and lasts for 1d8 rounds.