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=== Xenophile's Class Features ===
=== Xenophile's Class Features ===
The following class features pertain to the Xenophile advanced class.
The following class features pertain to the Xenophile advanced class.
;Xeno-Master or Xeno Philotherian

Line 216: Line 218:

;Bonus Feat
;Bonus Feat
: The Xenophile gets a free Bonus Feat at 6th level. All rules still apply the Character has to be eligible for the feat to take it.  
: The Xenophile gets a free Bonus Feat at 5th level. All rules still apply the Character has to be eligible for the feat to take it.  

==== Xeno-Master ====
==== Xeno-Master ====
:: At 3rd and 9th level the Xeno-Master gets an extra attack.

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==== Xeno Philotherian ====
==== Xeno Philotherian ====
:: At 5th level the Xeno Philotherian gets an extra attack.

:; Xeno Imprinting
:; Xeno Imprinting

Revision as of 05:00, 6 September 2017


Table: The Engineer
Class Level Special
1st Quick Construction
Professional Repair
2nd Overload
3rd Combat Mechanics Training
4th Reconfigure Weapon
5th Bonus Feat
Improved Quick Construction
6th Engineer's Eye
7th Beyond the Specifications
8th Extra Curricular Training
9th Trained Professional
10th Engineering Miracle

Scientist may make grand discoveries about the universe and our place in it. But Engineers are the ones that exploit those discoveries and make them useful and piratical in every day life. Engineers are the corner stone of modern civilizations. They make sure that society keeps moving day to day. Silently working in the background repairing the machines of industry. However some do not like the mundane quite life hidden in the shadows of civilization. Some venture forth and try there luck out in the galactic frontier. Or in some other exciting position that brings an escape from monotony.

Software has been know to be extremely flexible, especially with artificial intelligence. However hardware is not. And hardware is the engineer's forte. Out in the galaxy there is an unknown amount of unimaginable obstacles to face. Engineers are known for their knowledge in how things work, how to fix things and make them more efficient. They can often bybass security measures or whip up special weapons or equipment in the field. It would be ridiculous for a team of colonizers to not bring an engineer too a new unknown planet. The job of a engineer can mean life and death for all involved. Those willing to leave there comfortable life, there cozy workshops, garages and shipyards may find riches and adventure.

Choose Engineer if you want your character to excel at building, modifying, repairing, and disabling electrical and mechanical equipment, including weapons.

The fastest path into this advanced class is through the Path of Intelligence(Smart Hero), though other paths are possible.

Requirements: To qualify to become an Engineer, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

  1. Level: At least Level 2
  2. Core Class: Path of Intelligence OR Ability: Intelligence Score 16+ OR Ability: Wisdom Score 15+ and Intelligence of 12+


  1. Cannot use Heavy Weapons

Class Information:

Ability Affinity: Intelligence and Wisdom

Class Skills: The Engineer’s class skills are as follows. Computer Use (Int), Craft [Electronic, Mechanical, Structural](Int), Disable Device (Int), Choose Any Three Knowledge(Int), Study(Int)

Engineer's Class Features

Quick Construction
At 1st level, an engineer learns how to craft general equipment such as scratch-built electronic, mechanical, and structural objects more quickly than normal. When using the Craft (electronic), Craft (mechanical), or Craft (structural) skill to build General Equipment item, the Engineer reduces the building time by 1/2.
At 5th level, the Engineer reduces the building time of ordinary objects and masterworked objects by half.
Professional Repair
Table: Professional Repair
Craft (Repair)
DC (+5 in combat)
Damage Repaired
0-15 No Damage repaired
16-20 1d6 + Engineer Level
21-25 2d6 + Engineer Level
26-30 3d6 + Engineer Level
31-35 4d6 + Engineer Level
36-40 5d6 + Engineer Level
40+ 6d6 + Engineer Level
At 1st level an Engineer has improved ways of repairing robots, vehicles, power armor, spacehsips, etc... An Engineer with the correct Professional Kit or appropriate facility (ie: workshop, or hanger) can repair damage to a robot, vehicles, power armor, spaceships and so on. This takes 1 hour of work. This can also be done in combat but requires an additional +5 to the DC check and a full round action. Review the table below for more info.
At 2nd level and beyond, the Engineer as a standard action, can cause a short in an electronic device. This includes any ranged or melee weapon that is not a Kinetic Arch-Type. This makes the target of the overload nonfunctional for 1 round. Overload doesn't cause locked door, safe, or other such devices to open, but it prevents anyone from opening it for the duration of the effect. The Hero must be adjacent to the device to use this Talent. If the target of the Overload is a living sentient thing then it may attempt a Dexarity Save to negate the effect for DC of 10 + Engineer Level + Intelligence Mod. Once an electronic device has been overloaded it cannot be overloaded again for 1 minute.
Combat Mechanics Training
At 3rd level the Engineer gets the Power Armor Expert feat regardless if the Engineer qualifies. This allows the Engineer to use Power Armor. For the Engineer wearing power armor provides no restrictions.
Reconfigure Weapon
At 4th level, an Engineer can reconfigure a melee or ranged weapon, improving one aspect of it. Reconfigure a weapon requires 1 hour of work and a successful Repair check (DC 20); reconfigure a masterworked weapon is slightly harder (DC 20 + the weapon’s masterworked bonus feature). An Engineer may take 10 or take 20 on this check. The reconfiguration is based on the Advanced Weapon Creation rules and allows for an already constructed weapon to be modified according to the Engineer's crafting skill effectively the Engineer can re-craft the weapon. However the weapon cannot change its Style or Arch-Type nor can its Weapon Level change. Its Speed/Power levels can be adjusted and any of its attributes can also be changed according to the Weapon Creation rules. The Engineer can re-craft the weapon to be Masterworked according to crafting rules or Up-Tech to whatever the Engineer's Tech Level is.
Bonus Feat
At 5th level the Engineer can gain a Bonus Feat for free and can pick from the following categories: Core Class Plus, Misc Feats, Melee Weapon Combat, Ranged Combat, Space Ship Operations.
Engineer's Eye
At 6th level the Engineer gets a +2 to Perception and Passive Perception when within 20ft of a trap, malfunctioning computer, or on board a spaceship with malfunctioning systems.
Beyond the Specifications
At 7th level, an Engineer can upgrade weapons and equipment to provide temporary improvements to performance that go beyond the object normal specifications. It requires a full round action and the full access to the target object. The effect lasts for 1d4 turns. However if the Engineer takes there time for 2 full round actions the object gains the bonus for 1d8 + 1 rounds. Once the object has been boosted it cannot be boosted again for 1 hour.
Table: Weapon Upgrade :
Melee Weapons DC - Ranged Weapons DC - General Equipment DC
Weapon does extra +1d6 (+1d for every +10 DC) 25 - Weapon does extra +1d6 (+1d for every +10 DC) 25 - Combined Uses of to of the same item 25
Weapon ignores 2 DR (+2 for every +5 DC) 30 - Weapon ignores 2 DR (+2 for every +5 DC) 30 - Up Techs Shield effect by +1 increment 30
Weapon’s Crit multiplier +1 (+1 for every +10 DC) 35 - Weapon’s Crit multiplier +1 (+1 for every +10 DC) 35 - Increases range of item by %50 35
Weapon also shaken target for 1 round 25 - Weapon's Accuracy +1 (+1 for every +5 DC) 30 - Increases Misc Bonus by +1 30
Weapon damage type is changed 30 - Add's extra damage type 1d4 (+1d for every +5 DC) 30 - - -
Weapon leaves target dazed for 1d4 rounds 35 - - - - - -
Weapon also stuns target for 1d4 rounds 40 - - - - - -
Effects on Space Ships. Engineer can preform the Boost effect on any system of there choosing so long as they are near a working console on board the ship. They also gain a bonus to all Boost checks of 1/2 there current Engineering level round up.
Extra Curricular Training
At 8th level the Engineer completes extra training beyond his or hers normal education. The Engineer can choose what they have focused on.
  • Software Engineering: The Engineer gets a +1 Misc Bonus to Computer Use and the Quick Construction talent now applies to virus crafting.
  • Electrical Engineering: The Engineer gets a free Rank in Craft Electronics. The Engineer picks a 'favored' item from General Equipment that is considered small size or smaller and requires Electronics to craft. The Engineer can now craft that item with spare parts on hand in two combat rounds or under 1 minute in real time. If in combat the Engineer must roll a Wisdom check of DC12 or else that round is wasted. The Engineer can keep trying until it is complete.
  • Mechanical Engineering: The Engineer gets a free Rank in Craft Mechanics. This is also just like Electrical Engineering except the General Equipment item requires Mechanics instead of Electronics.
Trained Professional
A 9th-level Engineer can perform complicated tasks as free actions after preforming an Intelligence check.
During any round in which the Engineer uses the Computer Use, Craft, Disable Device, or Repair skill, he can first make a Intelligence check (DC 15) to use the desired skill as a free action. Making the Intelligence check doesn’t cost the Engineer an action.
Engineering Miracle
At level 10 the Engineer can pull of feats of engineering wonder. They can use there mastery of the trade to provide bonuses or repairs that could only be described and borderline miraculous. They can use this ability once per day starting as a full round action. At Character Level 15 it becomes twice per day and at Character Level 20 it becomes 3 times per day. The effect depends on the object you are modifying.
  • Armor: Adds a +1 AC bonus and +2 DR to armor for 1 minute.
  • Weapon: Adds +2 to accuracy and +2 to damage bonus for 1 minute.
  • Spaceship Structure: Provides 2 Hit Die + Engineer Character level worth of repairs to a SpaceShips structure.
  • Spaceship Shields: The shields auto regenerate twice for 1d4 +1 rounds. Or the DR for shields is doubled for 1d4 rounds +1.


It can be hard learning a new culture. Even harder if its from an Alien species and civilization. Some however love the challenge and get excited when those such barriers are torn down. Even rarer group of people love to do that with alien creatures. A Xenophile is usually seen as just a career choice for those that study the physiology, psychology, culture, and technology of other species. But for must Xenophiles its a life choice and life choose for them. To them there is no greater joy then furthering science by discovery of new alien species.

Usually this interest and even sometimes love for other species doesn't bestow any special kinship with them. However in rare cases it can. Some aliens creatures can be domesticated and even trained. Some Xenophiles take advantage of this to learn more about that species and how it interacts in different environments.

On the other side of the spectrum some Xenophiles attempt to be more detached from there subjects to try to stay as objective and scientific as possible.

Either case Xenophile's are usually found at newly discovered planets that have life on them. If not they are in civilization showcasing there newest discoveries. Sometimes they can be called upon by Nations or mega-corporations to help colonization efforts that have gone south because of the local alien "monsters".

Choose the Xenophile class if you want a Character to know the abilities , strengths, and weakness of various xenomorphs and/or even have a pet alien!

The fastest path into this advanced class is through the Path of Wisdom(Wise Hero), though other paths are possible.

Requirements: To qualify to become a Xenophile, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

  1. Level: At least Level 2
  2. Core Class: Path of Wisdom OR Ability: Wisdom Score 16+ OR Ability: Wisdom score 15+ and Charisma score of 12+


  1. Class: Cannot also be a Technosavant.

Class Information:

Ability Affinity: Wisdom and Charisma

Class Skills: The Xenophile’s class skills are as follows. Craft (pharmaceutical)(Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Choose Any Three Knowledges (Int), Language (none), Ride (Dex), Handle Animal (Char), Study (Int), Treat Injury (Wis).

Feat Bonuses: Xenomedic

Table: The Xenophile
Class Level Special
- - Xeno-Master -
* Xeno Philotherian *
1st - Xenolore, Xenotype(1st) -
* Xenolore, Xeno Imprinting *
2nd - Xenoresistance (+1) -
*Extra Attack, XenoBiology *
3rd -
4th - Xenotype (2nd) -
* Xeno Training(1st) *
5th - Xenodefense(+1), Xenoresistance (+2) -
* Extra Attack *
6th Bonus Feat
7th - Xenotype (3rd) -
* Xeno Training(2nd) *
8th - Xenoresistance (+3) -
9th - Extra Attack -
* Advanced XenoBiology *
10th - Xenodefense(+2), Xenotype (4th) -
* Xeno Training(3rd) *

Xenophile's Class Features

The following class features pertain to the Xenophile advanced class.

Xeno-Master or Xeno Philotherian
A Xenophile can make a Knowledge check to identify certain characteristics of a xenomorph, including any special attacks, special qualities, or vulnerabilities. In general, the DC of the Knowledge check equals 8 + the xenomorph’s Hit Dice. A successful check allows the Xenophile to unlock a single fact about the xenomorph. For every 5 points by which her check result exceeds the DC, the Xenophile learns another piece of useful information. Other Character's can preform Knowledge checks as well. However the DC is 12 + Hit Dice. Also Xenophiles can preform this Knowledge checks without Knowledge being trained as long as its for studying an Alien creature.
The type of Knowledge check depends on the xenomorph’s creature type, as shown below:
  • Knowledge (arcane lore): Fey, magical beasts.
  • Knowledge (earth and life sciences): Aberrations, animals, dragons, elementals, giants, humanoids, monstrous humanoids, oozes, plants, vermin.
  • Knowledge (technology): Constructs.
  • Knowledge (theology and philosophy): Outsiders, undead.
Bonus Feat
The Xenophile gets a free Bonus Feat at 5th level. All rules still apply the Character has to be eligible for the feat to take it.


Table: Xenotypes
Selected Xenotype Special Prerequisite
Aberration Knowledge (earth and life sciences) 6 ranks
Animal None
Construct Knowledge (technology) 3 ranks
Dragon Knowledge (earth and life sciences) 4 ranks
Elemental Knowledge (earth and life sciences) 4 ranks
Fey Knowledge (arcane lore) 5 ranks
Giant None
Humanoid1 None
Magical beast Knowledge (arcane lore) 5 ranks
Monstrous humanoid Knowledge (earth and life sciences) 3 ranks
Ooze Knowledge (earth and life sciences) 3 ranks
Outsider Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 5 ranks
Plant None
Undead Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 4 ranks
Vermin None
A Xenophile studies the behaviors and weaknesses of particular xenomorphs and knows how to exploit them. The Rank number in the table to the right is how many ranks in that skill are required to pick that type of alien creature.
At 1st level, a Xeno-Master may select a type of creature (also called a “xenotype”) from among those given on Table: Xenotypes. She must meet the special prerequisite to choose a xenotype, as specified in the table. Due to her extensive study of the chosen type of foe and training in the proper techniques for combating or negotiating with such creatures, the Xenophile gains an advantage bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks when using these skills against members of the chosen xenotype. Likewise, she gets an advantage bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.
At 4th, 7th, and 10th level, the Xenophile may select an additional xenotype from those given on the table. A Xenophile who chooses humanoids as a xenotype must also specify a particular species.
At 2nd level, a Xenophile gains a Minor +1 bonus on saving throws to resist the extraordinary, spell-like, or supernatural attacks of species other than her own. This bonus increases to Moderate +2 at 5th level and Major +4 at 8th level.
At 5th level, during her action, the Xenophile can designate an opponent and receive a Moderate +1 insight bonus (counts a Misc bonus) to there AC against any subsequent attacks from that opponent. The opponent must belong to one of the Xenophile’s chosen xenotypes (see Xenotype, above).
The Xenophile can select a new opponent as a standard action. At 10th level, the insight bonus to AC increases to a Moderate +2.

Xeno Philotherian

Xeno Imprinting
At Level 1 the Xeno Philotherian can imprint herself onto a new born Xenophile creature. Any Xenophiles preform this action to attempt to domesticate and train an alien creature in order to further study them. Although sometimes the bond between animal and person becomes more then what's necessary for scientific study. The Xeno Philotherian needs to spend at least 7 days with the animal in question and preform a Handle Animal check per day with a DC of 10 + HD of the creature. However at level one the Player doesn't need to roll this. Its only necessary if they want to gain a new animal companion to replace their first one. The player can take 10 or 20 however in this case it means 8 or 16 hours. The Xeno Philotherian can only have one at a time.
The Xeno creature rules are located on the Hero Companion page.
At 2nd level The Xeno Philotherian has gained knowledge from studying her creature companion. And can use her knowledge to craft (Craft Chemical skill) (using a Chemistry Field Kit) different Chemical injections that can be giving too the animal as a touch action. The chemicals can be crafted to preform different things such as restore HP, provide resistance, enhance an ability. However this items are experimental and have an short expiration date. They will need to attended (re-mixed, completely redone, etc...) every 24 hours or else they become inert. Unlike normal craft checks crafting these concoctions can take little time and can mostly use materials gathered in the environment (when suitable). If not the materials follow the same price as normal.
Over time the Xeno Philotherian gets better and preparing these concoctions and can prepare more of them a day. Number of concoctions prepared per day is: 3 + 1/2 Xeno Philotherian level round up. (The items cannot be sold as they are mostly useless to other creatures and they have such short self life.) The effect lasts for Xeno Philotherian's Int Mod turns.
The level of the crafted concoction is based on the Craft Chemical Skill Rank.
  1. Restore HP: Acts like a Treat Injury skill check to heal for Xd8. X = 1/2 the Xeno Philotherian class level round up.
  2. Toxin Flush: Removes unwanted/foreign toxins form the animal body. The chemical compound has a 50% chance of successfully removing any poisons that are effecting the animal.
  3. Imbue Strength or Speed: Gets a Xd4 temporary bonus to either Strength Ability Score or Dexterity Ability Score. X = 1/3 Xeno Philotherian class level.
  4. Resistance: Grants a DR to just one of the damage types. Chemical,Electrical,Kinetic,Thermal. The DR is Int Mod + 1/2 Xeno Philotherian class level.
Xeno Training
At 4th level the Xeno Philotherian can teach the animal a new Technique that the animal would otherwise never do. The animal can only learn Techniques that there level allows to its use of the Technique follows the same rules as other Techniques naturally learned. However instead of training a new Technique the Xeno Philotherian can instead train the creature to preform one more Technique of an eligible level.
At 7th and 10th level the Xeno Philotherian and train one more Technique or do the trade of of having the creature be able to use 1 more technique.
Advanced XenoBiology
At 9th level the Xeno Philotherian starts to take the concoctions made for her animal companion to the next level. She starts to experiment on other creatures including herself. She can now craft both positive and negative effecting injections. If she uses them on any target other then her animal companion then the Player must roll a percentile dice. 0-10% the effect is opposite. 11-30% there is no effect. 31-100% the intended effect happens.
The effects if negative are the opposite of the list of 'Effects' in the XenoBiology Talent above.