Tech Level and Civ Progress
The levels of a Civilization
There are 4 levels. 1 through 4. Levels are hotly debated among the scholars of the Galaxy. Many people like to have firm definitions that create a solid boundary between levels. However the different rules do not always apply in all cases. Some species may have technology well beyond a Lvl 2 Civ yet still haven't go out into the heavens. Instead we will attempt to discribe accomplishments that the approate level Civ would more then likely reach in the early years of there lvl and goals that they will need to achive or at least make major head way toward in order to get to the next lvl.
Remember for each level below there are rules for both a Civilizations Knowledge and its Self-Awareness and that you can have a lvl 1 Civilization with a lvl 2 Self-awareness. Or some other setup.
Level 1:
- Accomplishments:
This is when a Civilization first reaches space. (Not probes but actual sentient member of the Species). Space travel is now possible although probalby difficault and not yet common place. There home planet is likely largely explored. Perhaps not 100% but Subject of Geography should be at Understanding. They should be able to harness the power of there planet and the majority if not all its resources. From fossil fules to radactivity to geothermal. Subjects, Chemistry and Physics should be at an Awareness level and other Subjects that envole those types of things..
- Self-Awareness Accomplishments:
It is likely that a Civilization has reached a point where they begain to understand there own brains and how they think. Psychology, Neurology and Biology(may be different depending on Species) Subjects should be at least Awareness level of Knowledge. The Subject of ones Local History should be at Understanding.
- Goals:
There local solar system is now theres for the taking. Recouces abound. One major goal for new space faring species is being able to hold domainon over ones own solar system. A strong lvl 1 Species will be able to easily go too and fro within there solar system. Space travel should become more of a common thing. Harnessing the power of the local star. Not only does these mean a better understanding of renewable energies but also of Fusion power. A species may start to think about going faster then Sub-Light Travel (SLT) and start working on Faster-Then-Light or FTL transportation.
Level 2:
- Accomplishments:
One debated marker for lvl 2 Civ is FTL travel. Or simply the ability to travel between stars in a pratical manor. (Which doesn't always mean FTL). Either case nobody ever considers an lvl 3 Civ to be without FTL. Subjects such as Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnitism to all be within and Understanding level. The local solar system is largely explored. Its resouces have been made known and is being exploited for the benifit of the Civilization. If the solar system has another planet the species can live on or at least land on they have done that by now and are building settlements. Power is also important. Fusion is being used to its fullest and new forms of power are coming around. Anti-Matter generators are a thing now. The subject of Anti-Matter should be atleast an Awareness level.
- Self-Awareness Accomplishments:
A Species now has a much better understanding of themselves and there place within the universe. Fully understanding its role may still be debated but at least the conversation has a new seriesness to it. They may start to spend much more time devoted to the arts or to war or learning. Species are better informed about mental illness and are usually able to cure it or at least diagnos it. Psychology, Neurology and Biology are all likely to be at or around Understanding level. Species are working on dealing with problems like death at and removing all possible types of sickness.
- Goals:
Being more aware of themselves Species may start to weed out negitive aspects of there behavior. Things that the species may find as a whole distasteful or to be a deterrent to the survivial of the Species. For example Humanity at this level may start to try to remove irrational emotions like Hate and Fear. These emotions although powerful tools at times can also lead to irrational dession making and have never been very socially acceptable. Having a better understanding of how emotions work and how/why humanity reacts can help to stop them. Although this can also leed to horrible sudo-utpias where people are forced to live a certian way. Species will likely strugle with this issue as they become more aware of how to possibly "Fix" the problem. Species will want to learn more faster and powerful ways of space travel and power generation. They will need to gain an much deeper understanding of the universe and how it works to achive these lofty goals. A lvl 2 species that is on the verge of lvl 3 may also be able to unlock the mysteries of longevity and posilby immortality. They will start to take major rules in the galaxy and effect its occupents.
Level 3:
- Accomplishments:
These are tried and true civilizations. Few truelly reach such a height. Many believe that the people who created the Jove where lvl3. These people are capable of exploring whole galaxies within a reasonable amount of time. lvl 3 Civs have either discoveried or are on the way to discovering faster forms of FTL. Instant forms of travel such as being able to create worm holes or use Jump drives. All the Subjects attribuited to a lvl 3 civilization either are or will soon become Understanding level. Most Species raised within this type of Civilizatio gain bonsuse for learning new Subjects. The Species will be expanding accross the whole galaxy.
- Self-Awareness Accomplishments:
These Species will likely have learned many leasons from there past trials of attempting to self improve. Weither that means physical, emotional, spirtiual. It is likely that these people have worked out how to govern themselves without massive conflict (notice not no conflict) and are more easily able to relate and deal with other Species/Civs. They are now truely capable or self improvement without the conflicts that may have orginiatated before. All Subjects that deal with this from Polotics to History and such should all be Understanding level.
- Goal:
More Power and more powerful ways of travel. The Galaxy may start to feel to small for the explorers and adventures of this Species. Although no known Civ has yet to figure out a pratical way of Inter-Galatic travel it is thought to be possible. The few truelly lvl3 Civilizations of the Milky Way having been working on the problem. Self improvement is another type of adventure. Depending on the success in the past some lvl3 Species may still be working on longevity. However other more drastic improvements may be on the horizan for these power Species.
Level 4:
Little is known about lvl4. It is there simply because it is thought to be reachable. Some Species for whatever reason be it pride or narcessism or simply ignorance have clamed to be in the ranks of lvl4. Eithercase all things need to be catorgized by some philosopher or another.
- Accomplishments:
All Subjects attributed to the Civi would be at a "beyond understanding" level and would be common knowlege among all its members. All other Subjects that the Species has yet to master would be at an Awareness level. These types of people would be intergalatic in power. They would have an Understanding level of Knowledge regarding inter-dimminsions, multi-verse, cosmology. The Universe would become there play ground.
- Self-Awareness Accomplishments:
For these people conflicts would be pointless except as a way to avoid boredom. It is doubtful that a Species of such knowledge and technology wouldn't have beat back the powers of Time and death. They would likely be immortal in one way or another.
- Goals:
It is debated if there would be anything a fully lvl4 civilization would try to achive. That would imply a Lvl 5. It is also hard to image if there was anything else beyond. Some people debate that there is a spirtual plan of esistance and that perhaps that it may be possible for there to be a lvl 5. If there was then the Universe would seam and small and malleable as clay in the hand of a potter to a lvl5 Civ. Are we created by such a Civilization? Would they allow such power Species to join them? Such Questions have sparked millions of debates but it is believed that if there was something left for lvl 4 to do except rule the Universe it would be to anwser them.
Now what about sentient species that do not have space flight yet or are not considred lvl 1. Well there are two levels for them.
Level Zero: This is a Civilization that has yet to go to space but shows all the promise of accomplishing such a goal. This is a civilization that has discovered a way of catorgizing the things around them as well as use logical steps to prove ideas and thoughts amonst each other. For humans They would of become level Zero around the renaissance eara.
Level Negative One: This is a Species just as they come into sentients and start to gather amonst themsevles. There only goals would be to start to become aware of the world around them and also themselves and individuals of that world. The step from -1 to 0 is when they start to have a Aware level of Knowledge regarding the world aroudn them. Biology and Chemistry and Math.
Question: What determines a Civilizations Knowlege level of a subject when I am creating a Civ? Common Knowledge. Ask yourself if an everday person living in that time can explain at least the most simplist way that particular Subject. You may not be a Math major but you can explain 1+1. You may not know how a car works but if someone from 200 years ago was to ask you. You probably could explain that it uses fire to move and instead of burning wood or coal you burn super flamable liquid that comes from oil similar to the oil you may use in a lamp. They may not understand how it all relates but they got a good enough awnser that it would likely satify most common people. (except for maybe some super curious folk). Once a Subject is common enough then it should become avalible. When leveling up or creating a Civilization you should ask what drives them. What things would they want to focus on. Those are the Subjects you want them to have.