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Target is a function of a Space ship. Space Ships and other functions can be found here. This is another default Function of all ships. It allows a ship to target an opponent for the object of shooting it with a weapon.


Targeting upgrades can provide either bonuses too targeting or bonus to the number of simultaneous targets. But not too both. Unless the Targeting Upgrade is a Tech 4 multi purpose targeting array.

Targeting Upgrades all take Hard Points.

Associated Ship Attribute: Sensors
Roll: d20 + Sensors Mod + Class Level
Price: Targeting upgrades base price: $100,000
Price: Targeting Multi Purpose Array: (Tech 4 Only) $400,000
Procure Diff: Targeting upgrades that provide bonuses are considered illegal and have +1 procure difficulty. Where as Targeting upgrades that only provide bonuses to how many targets at a time can be locked are not considered illegal and thus have a 0 starting procure difficulty.