Crypto is a function of a Space ship. Space Ships and other functions can be found here. This allows the transmission of encrypted information. This allows communications to become 'secure' between vessels. Without this communications between teammates ships can be overheard by the enemy. Communications can also be intercepted, this can be done without this module and is a feature of all ships using the Communications attribute. If the intercepted communications is encrypted this function can attempt to decipher it. A Character with the Decipher Script skill can also assist. They can even assist with a +2 bonus if the ship has a Science Bay.
This is a set of powerful quantum computers that require both physical space and a lot of power to keep and super cold temperatures. When working correctly these machines can create nearly impossible to crack cyphers that only other powerful quantum computers could possibly hope to crack. Because this is equivalent to have a small server farm built into a ship not ever space ship can easily have one.
A Crypto machine always requires at least a Bay.
- Associated Ship Attribute: Electronics
- Roll: d20 + Electronics Mod + Class Level
- Price: A Crypto machine base price is: $175,000
- Procure Diff: A Crypto machine has a starting Procure Difficulty of 1.