Below is the Skill Table for Future Path Heroes. This is a complete list of skills and the Ability they are associated with as well as type. For instructions on how to get skills and use them go to the Skills Basics page. Below the table you will find a description of the format Skills are described in. Each Skill in this table is a link to a page where the skill is explained in detail.
Skill | Ability | Type |
Acrobatics | Dex | Unnatural |
Athletics | Str | Natural |
Bluff | Cha | Natural |
Computer Use | Int | Unnatural |
Craft | - | Rank Dependent |
- Chemical | Int | Unnatural |
- Electronic | Int | Unnatural |
- Mechanical | Int | Unnatural |
- Pharmaceutical | Int | Unnatural |
- Structural | Int | Unnatural |
Diplomacy | Cha | Natural |
Disable Device | Int | Unnatural |
Disguise | Cha | Natural |
Intimidate | Cha | Natural |
Knowledge | - | Unnatural |
- Arcane lore | Int | Unnatural |
- Arts | Int | Unnatural |
- Culture | Int | Unnatural |
- Civics | Int | Unnatural |
- Current Events | Int | Unnatural |
- History | Int | Unnatural |
- Science | Int | Unnatural |
- Philosophy | Int | Unnatural |
Perception | Wis | Natural |
Pilot | Dex | Unnatural |
Profession | Wis | Natural |
Language | - | Rank Dependent |
Sense Motive | Wis | Natural |
Sleight of Hand | Dex | Unnatural |
Stealth | Dex | Natural |
Study | Int | Natural |
Survival | Wis | Natural |
Treat Injury | Wis | Unnatural |
Skill Description Format
Skill descriptions adhere to the following guidelines.
Skill Name: The skill name line includes (in addition to the name of the skill) the following information.
Key Ability: The abbreviation of the ability whose modifier applies to the skill check.
Trained Only: If this notation is included in the skill name line, you must have at least 1 rank in the skill to use it. If this notation is omitted, the skill can be used untrained (with a rank of 0). If any special notes apply to trained or untrained use, they are covered in the Untrained section (see below).
Armor Check Penalty: If this notation (ACP) is included in the skill name line, an armor check penalty applies to checks using this skill. If this entry is absent, an armor check penalty does not apply. Note: Armor check penalties apply to all Strength- and Dexterity-based Skills.
Description: The skill name line is followed by a general description of what using the skill represents.
Check: What a character (“you” in the skill description) can do with a successful skill check and the check's Difficulty Class (DC).
Action: The type of action using the skill requires, or the amount of time required for a check.
Try Again: Any conditions that apply to successive attempts to use the skill successfully. If the skill doesn't allow you to attempt the same task more than once, or if failure carries an inherent penalty (such as with the Climb skill), you can't take 20. If this paragraph is omitted, the skill can be retried without any inherent penalty other than the additional time required.
Special: Any extra facts that apply to the skill, such as special effects deriving from its use or bonuses that certain characters receive because of class, feat choices, or race.