This is the basis of the d12 system. It uses a sort of mean such that the highest and lowest possible values are truly the most unlikely. Below is the best working version to date. This was designed to roll with 2d12 per stat, but also seems to work fairly well with just 1d12 or 2d12. Any roll that lands on double ones should be considered above the highest possible roll, thereby resulting in a total of 25.
Note that '+ Cool' is is listed on virtually every stat, coolness is not actually added to the stat. This is a symbolic representation of how the stat may change based on the coolness of each character at a given time. Coolness is controlled by the DM and influenced by the player, and is the basis for morale and initiative.
Suggested rolling rules:
Depending on the difficulty of the campaign and the experience of the players, it is admissible to reroll any die that lands on a one, two, or three, or roll 3d12 and drop the lowest, or any other house rules the group wishes to use.
When gaining a level, the player chooses the dice that will be used for all checks associated with that stat going forward according to the max roll of each die and the number of the stat, such that the maximum number that can be rolled on all dice chosen cannot exceed the number listed on that stat. If at all possible, no specific die type can be used more than once, with a maximum of twice at the DM's discretion, for a dice set for a given stat. Example: A stat of 12 gives the choices from standard dice of 1d4+1d8 or 1d12, 2d6 with DM permission, but not 3d4 since other combinations are possible. Non-standard dice are legal if the physical die can be rolled, such as d2, d3, d5, d7, d9, d11, etc... IF the DM allows (against the recommendation of this writer), dice chosen can be comprised of other dice, thereby allowing a loophole in the multiple dice ruling above. Example: A stat of 12 may allow for a check 1d3+1d9; the d9 can be comprised of 1d4+1d2+1d3, thereby providing 2d3 despite the fact that other options are available. This is how the character generator (chargen.vbs) works (So sue me. :P).
D20 translation and compatibility:
Basic compatibility table (see computations and caveats below):
Physical Power = Strength (Physical Quickness + Physical Prowess) / 2 = Dexterity (Physical Toughness + Physical Prowess) / 2 = Constitution (Mental Power + Mental Quickness + Mental Toughness + Mental Prowess) / 4 = Intelligence (Sixth Sense + Common Sense) / 2 = Wisdom Social = Charisma
At the discretion of the DM, the first stat listed in the formula for each d20 stat may be used rather than the calculation, except for Wisdom, where the player can choose one or the other stat listed in the formula above.
Most basic stats max out at 25 starting, as do most derived stats. The exception to basic stats is coolness, which maxes out at 16, and exceptions to derived stats include mental and physical grip, which max out at 29. Straight compatibility can be achieved in modern d20 rules by taking any stat greater than or equal to 18 to 18 and setting it equal to 18, and leaving all other stats as is. Older systems, such as AD&D, should follow the table below for strength and reduce all other stats, except coolness, as noted previously. Coolness should be discarded when translating this to any other system.
25 = 18 / 00 24 = 18 / 91 - 99 23 = 18 / 90 22 = 18 / 76 - 89 21 = 18 / 75 20 = 18 / 51 - 74 19 = 18 / 50 18 = 18 or 18 / 01 - 49
Power Quickness Toughness Prowess Common Sense Sixth Sense Social
4d12 / 3
PHYSICAL Hit ((Prow + ((Quick + Common) / 2)) / 2) + Cool Damage ((Power + ((Prow + Common) / 2)) / 2) + Cool Soak ((Tough + ((Quick + Common) / 2)) / 2) + Cool
PHYSICAL Hit ((Prow + ((Quick + Power) / 2)) / 2) + Cool Damage ((Quick + ((Prow + Power) / 2)) / 2) + Cool Soak ((Tough + ((Prow + Quick) / 2)) / 2) + Cool
MEMTAL Hit ((Prow + ((Quick + Sixth) / 2)) / 2) + Cool Damage ((Power + ((Prow + Sixth) / 2)) / 2) + Cool Soak ((Tough + ((Quick + Sixth) / 2)) / 2) + Cool
MENTAL Hit ((Quick + ((Prow + Power) / 2)) / 2) + Cool Damage ((Power + ((Prow + Quick) / 2)) / 2) + Cool Soak ((Prow + ((Tough + Quick) / 2)) / 2) + Cool
Dodge ((Quick + ((Prow + Sixth) / 2)) / 2) + Cool Crit ((Prow + ((Pow + Sixth) / 2)) / 2) + Cool Grip (((Pow + Tough) / 3) + ((Soak + Dodge) / 4)) + Cool
Dodge ((Quick + ((Prow + Sixth) / 2)) / 2) + Cool Crit ((Prow + ((Pow + Sixth) / 2)) / 2) + Cool Grip (((Pow + Tough) / 3) + ((Soak + Dodge) / 4)) + Cool