Whats Different

From FuturePath
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What whats different about Future Path? What sets it about from d20 Future or for that matter any other Pen and Paper game? Well glad you asked! Here is a list of things different from d20 Future and what we strive to make uniq about our game system.

1. Wealth System:

A lot of P&P (Pen and Paper) game systems use a simplified way of handling wealth. The goal is to stream line game play and make it more about the story then about epic shopping. However this forces the GM and the Player to roll play in a certain way. What if you want to play out attempting to pay for the illegal substance or for your new Star Ship. Buying a ship can be a major commitment and achievement for a Player. So why not have Players manage there money? Well... its difficult when you get into modern finance. Things are more complicated. There needs to be a middle ground. We believe that our Wealth System is a good middle ground that helps to express a Players Wealth in a way that represents modern money without bogging down game play.