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Hack is a function of a Space ship. Space Ships and other functions can be found here. This allows for cyber warfare between ships.


Hack into the systems of a target ship to disrupt that ships systems or crew members. This can lead to damage to systems, systems acting weird, or consoles exploding hurting the crew.

Associated Ship Attribute: Communications
Roll: d20 + Communication Mod + Class Level
Price: Based on the class level of the mod. Base price is $350,000. Each +1 adds an additional + $300,000 with a max of +5.

Hacking Combat Rules:

Hacking another ship takes time. When hacking a component the system they are really hacking is one of the 6 Core System Attributes and a Hacker can only hack one system at a time. By hacking one of the 6 Core System attributes the hacker can disrupt systems associated with that Core Attribute like Ship Functions or Officer Console.

Hacking acts similar to Grappling. There are steps that have to happen before a Hacker can deal damage. The Hacker has to first breach there security and gain access. Then the next turn the hacker must identify and target a weak system. The hacker has the option the following options.

  1. Deal damage to that Core System Attribute (1d4 + (1 for ever 5 they exceed the DC)
  2. Cause a console associated with that system to explode dealing damage to a crew member (Xd6, X = 1/4th the character level)
  3. Temporarily disable functionality of that system. E.I the ship has Grappled you.. disable there grappling, or disable there shields.

The DC of hacking a target system is DC10 + System Modifier + Misc Modifiers. The DC of 'Identify and Target a Weak System' is dependent on the Option taken. Deal Damage to the Core System Attribute is the same as Breaching security. To cause a console to explode is DC10 + System Modifier + Console Operators Wisdom Mod + Misc Modifiers. To temporarily disable a function of the ship like shields, targeting, grapple is DC14 + System Modifier + Misc Modifiers

Each step and each action can be noticed by computer security systems or the crew of the enemy ship. The Hacking options themselves all have much higher chance of being caught while the hacker simply gaining access to the system has a high difficulty for the target crew to notice.

To 'Breach Security' the crew cannot roll to see. Only the Science Officers and Comms Officer's passive perception is used to determine if they notice anything. Preforming an action against the ship will be visible to the Science, Comms and any Officer positions that where effected if there Passive perception is high enough. The Officer effected gets a +4 bonus to passive perception. If the action is to temporarily disable functionality of the system the Science Officer and/or Comms Officer get to roll Perception to see if they notice the hack. If the hack is to deal damage to the Core System Attribute then the 'Effected Officer' is the Engineer and if they choose they can roll Perception if not there passive perception still takes effect along with the Science and Comms Officers.

The Perception check goes against the hackers roll. It is determined by: Hacking Roll - Misc Modifier. For example a ship with Eng Score of 16 and a ship security system that adds +3 has it's Engines hacked. The hacker has to roll a 16 or better. They roll a 17. The crew of the ship's passive perception will have to beat a 17 - 3 or 14 in order to notice the hack.

Special Counter Hacking and Security Accessories can be installed to help hack and detect and defend against hacks. Rules for these devices are explained on a per device biases.