Boast is a function of a Space ship. Space Ships and other functions can be found here. This provides a bonus to the Ship Attribute that it is associated with. Boost Shields can boost the ships shield output for a turn or boost Engines can boost the engines and so on.
"Boost Sensors!" Yells the Captain. "The ship is in that dam gas cloud we just need to find it!"
Every ship Attribute has a Boost function associated with it except for Structure. And boost comes by default for all ships. It requires that the Ship Position associated with that Attribute be filled or for the Chief Engineer position to be filled. The Chief Engineer can provide a boost too any attribute. The Science Officer can also provide a Boost to Shields, Electronics and Sensors. All other ship positions can only boost there associated attributes.
- Associated Ship Attribute: All Ship Attributes can do boost except for Structure
- Roll: d20 + Characters Affinity Die + Ship Attribute Mod
The DC is 15 and for a +1 to whatever modifier you choose. For every 5 past 15 add another +1 to the modifier. The boost can be for the rest of the current turn or the for the next turn. Each time an attribute is boosted it cannot be boosted again for 1d4 turns.