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This is the history of the species of Humans. For more species within the Great Ring Galaxy go to Species page.


Humans have an interesting habit of blowing things up, including themselves. In this universe, the cold war never ended. Sergei Korolev didn't die from surgery during the space race. And his expertise and knowledge allowed the Soviets to go to the moon. Behind the American's but only by 3 months. Then in order to one-up the Americans, they send a modified version of the N1 to Venus. The space race never completely dies down. Not till the Late 80s and into the early 90s. During at which the Soviet Union didn't collapse because Mikhail Gorbachev never came to power. His pro-democratic and open policies were applied with care and more slowly. This allowed the Soviet Union to evolve carefully and, although not without its problems, stay united. The United States and the allied powers attempt to crippling the economy of the USSR were not nearly as successful. It nearly did collapse until the late 90s and the rise of China as an economic superpower which helps propel Russia. And together they re-ignite a Cold War 2 and the new Space Race in the late 90s with new missions that involve colonizing Mars. The UN/USA afraid of a whole planet claimed for communism do the same.

Before China teamed with Russia to rapidly propel the nation into the Space age America and the European Union didn't collaborate as much. The Freedom station was built instead of the International Station with the Space Shuttle. NASA's budget didn't decrease nearly as much until the late 80s and as such the Saturn V wasn't canceled until the mid 80s. The Shuttle was still constructed in part because of demand from the military and many of its same flaws still existed. The Soviet Union also kept its Buran project alive and upgraded it as a response to America replacing its Shuttle Program with the X-33.

Russia and China together beat American to Mars. In order to one-up the communists, America and the EU created a joint Mars Mission task force. However, both space programs had a massive focus on low to geostationary orbit and the money made in selling satellite launches to these positions. Team Blue was nearly a decade behind achieving setting foot on Mars. However, in order to one-up Russian and Chinese America proposed an extremely expensive and almost inane project. One that never truly got canceled and sat in the militaries eye and even some from NASA. Project Orion. The project that used Nuclear Warheads to propel a massive ship close to 1% the speed of light. This would require 10+ massive launches of Saturn V level of lift with X-33 Space Shuttles acting as support. Sadly the Saturn V had long been canceled and due to budget cuts and the insanely expensive cost of building the Freedom station with the first version of the Space Shuttle both the EU and America didn't have a launcher. So instead they made a new one based on Project Sea Dragon. While the EU worked on researching the habitats by building Long-Term Habits on the moon during the 2010s. The project took 11 years to complete and in 2021 Orion exploded too life in high orbit above the earth to send nearly 30 people (only halve capacity) to spend 2 years on Mars testing survivability.

The Russians and the Chinese were not idle during this time. They knew something was up and that the Americans and European Union were building something of massive proportions. But there was an insane amount of secrecy. The Russians had made it to Mars on Thermal Nuclear Rockets which was perfect for higher efficiency and reusability for shuttling payloads between large distances. And was just one more than that they used to rub it in the face of those Westerns. So it was thought that a newer generation of high trust pulse gas based Thermal Nuclear Rockets based on the 'Light Bulb' design was being used. These massive engines would require a massive amount of lift and multiple payloads to build in orbit. Although thought to be decades away still from the Tech Russian started to develop the concept in hopes of keeping up with anything America produced. China, however, had a different approach and this is where the issues of there relationship became apparent on the global stage. Before this, it appeared from the outside looking in all things were friendly between the nations. But China viewed the threat with a long-term perspective. Instead, they continued with there already existing and tested technologies for the there long-term goal of a Red Martian planet under a Communist banner.

When Orion was revealed it was a shock to Russia. At first glance, this massive beast looked superior to anything before it. Russia continued its own project and 4 years later released the first generation gas based Thermal Nuclear rocket. In many respects it actually outperformed Orion. Orion was an overly expensive status symbol that was way too massive and powerful for the job it was given. It only flew to Mars a total of 4 times. It had 6 missions in total. 4 of which involved exploring and visiting the 4 outmost planets in the solar system. The vessel was used more for science and exploration then guaranteeing dominance on Mars. It turns out that cheaper smaller rockets in mass were better was sending massive 'willing' settlers to Mars. In the coming decades, one country overall would lead the way in Mar's colonization and that country was China. America quickly realized it was losing the battle Orion was supposed to fight and attempted to correct things by catching up in Thermal Rockets and producing a new line of cheaper and more reusable rockets. While reversing Russia not wanting to be outdone by a massive Nuclear exploding spacecraft built its own. In 2029 it released it's own Nuclear pulse propulsion craft despite the fact that they with China had originally protested its existence.

In 2021 AD the Jove detected higher than normal levels of neutrinos. The Jove and noticed humans a few hundred years ago and had set-up sensors in the nearby solar system of Alpha Centauri. The Jove decide it was time pay closer attention to these humans. They decided to wait a few years to determine if the Species would develop Fusion power and propulsion. Sure enough, America hoping to again one up the Russians built a second Orion style craft this time under a joint EU participation which was designed to carry on the exploratory mission of Orion. In the early 2030s Fusion power had finally be achieved and even before that, a Fusion powered pulse propulsion system had been designed. Instead of Fission bombs, they would use Fusion explosions to propel the craft. This higher level of efficiency was the final step needed to not only explore the further reaches of the solar system, its main mission but also to send probes and eventually people to the nearest solar systems.

One fateful day August 21, 2044 AD the Jove made official contact with Humans. You would think seeing evidence of intelligent life would help to unite a species. But all it really did was cause more problems. After the Jove introduced Humans to the rest of there galactic neighbors humans got bombarded by all different types of species. Its always a treat to see new species and there novelty. Its fun to watch the earlier years of space flight, or how they first start to interact with the universe in a whole new big way. And for some its a chance to exploit a new race. The Jove did explain about these types of nefarious characters but its really no more then a blip on what some species would say seemed like an endless sideshow of information. Most humans ignore it.

Within a decade it had become frighteningly obvious there were issues. Who got what trade? Who decided what for the whole of the human race? If the Communists get that latest new tech from so and so then what is the Free World to do? After just 3 decades the species of humans threw themselves into a war most didn't even care to fight. And the 3rd great World War started... not even on Earth. Although it was finished on Earth. The Jove do not step in on these matters. They much rather let such uncivilized activities take their course. Its the best way to ensure the species learns a lesson and mature. As the AI of the Jove has wisely learned over and over.

Before humanity had even shed its novelty too its neighbors it had gained the reputation as being uncivilized killers of their own race. Humanities first impressions on the rest of the galaxy was not a shining moment some would dream of. They came off as a very short sited and backward species willing to destroy there own home planet to get at each other's throats. Humans had nuked their own planet almost to oblivion. Had done nearly the same damage to Mars. And had gone from nearly 12 billion to 400 million in less than 2 years.


After the Great 3rd World War was finished it left humanity with mass starvation and little land left in their own solar system. Most left the now pitiful empires of Earth, the Reds and the Blues as they were called by many, now reduced to nothing more then stubborn and old men holding on to memories more then hope. The Unions and Federations formed in the ashes where largely structured by ideals presented by Corporatocracy. What was left of Humanity was ruled by aggressive companies who cared more about the few resources that where left on the planet. This was excepted by most peoples because it is the only way to live. With such scant resources left every person had to have there place, preform there job, and produce something for themselves and the whole, in other words the Company. The more wealth the more you could produce, the more valuable you where to everyone else. The more powerful you where.

However others choose to leave this dark and depression life style. They dared to have hope in a new life. They left Sol and went out into the Great Ring. Having to find new homes and make friends with species that neither wanted them nor liked them. Looked down upon for either their reckless behavior or countless other reputations. Humans are now seen as the homeless rift raft of the Milky Way.

Many roam the waste lands of Earth trying to scrap a living and avoid the large population centers. Many of which are domed cities ruled by some federation of companies and most occupants boarder line slaves working daily for corporations and there own survival. Other dangers lurk in the apocalyptic waste lands of Earth. Mutated peoples and animals and deadly radio active weather all put fear into the bravest explorers.

Mars is slightly better off. Most of its land is not radioactive but Mars never started to be Terraformed making it a harsh place to live let alone try to thrive on. People here are less likely to be mutated but they do have a whole host of other issues. Corporations view the planet as just an industrial resource and its inhabitants are of no concern too them. Living people to find for themselves. The planet plunged into anarchy after the War and has been struggling to find peace every sense.

The Venus exploration and habitat project started just before first contact and saw a massive boom in the years before the war. It was almost completely untouched by the War. Just before the war broke out the first phase of Project New Eden started. The goal of terraforming Venus started and then abruptly came to a halt with the start of the War. However the scientists and workers stationed around Venus survived through there families and 70 years later struggle to keep the project alive. Feeling the pressure of this massive undertaking and swell with weight from the realization that Earth may be truly lost and this may be Humanities only hope to a new start. These people brave opposition and conflict from pirates to the Corporations trying to gain access to the Solar System resources not willing to give them up for some fool hardy plan.

Many allies have taken up residence in all the chaos and hope to profit from it. They plan to take the riches of the Sol Solar System form themselves. They see these backwards humans as barely Tech 1 civilization and stealing from them like stealing from a baby. Some humans have devoted there lives to making sure Sol stays rightfully in human hands. They see there origin solar system as theirs by right either it be divine or otherwise.

Needs/Role Playing/Mysteries

Humanity has a lot to prove to itself and to the galaxy and little means to prove it. Will you try to help rebuild the home world? Protect Earth's last great cities from collapse. Or go out into the waste lands and make a name for yourself. Perhaps the whole of Sol itself and its many planets and moons are of interested? After all they are rightfully human. How about protecting the heritage of humanity, its solar system, from being over run by greedy aliens who are taking advantage of the weekend race. Perhaps help keep the Terra form Venus project alive? A new home with a fresh start is what humanity needs. If Humanities heritage is not of interest then the whole of The Great Ring is? Will you boldly go into the bigger galaxy as a pirate or mercenary? Or perhaps as an Ambassador to help fight for humanity?