New too P&P
Below is a rough overview of what is needed to play a Future Path game as well as some basic rules and vocabulary that is part of the nomenclature of d20 System. Players will find that these rules and ideas are largely standard across most Pen & Paper games especially ones that use the d20 System.
After review the sections below the Introduction Story is a great place to read a short story to get you introduced to the Universe of FuturePath. Or head over to the Getting Started page to learn more about the rules. If a Player wants to skip ahead to learning how to make a character they can head to the Character Creation and Advancement page.
What you'll need
You will need a d20 dice set, a character sheet, (more on this later) and a place to meet up with friends. One person can be the Game Master while the others are Players.
Well, how do I start? If you have never played a Pen and Paper game before, then I recommend finishing the rest of this page before moving on to what is listed below, as it helps to explain a few things.
- If you are a Player read through the Web Pages under the "Rules" section (you can skip the Combat section for now) and then on to creating your first Character in the Character Creation and Advancement page.
- If you are a DM then also start with all the Web Pages under the "Rules" section including the Combat section and move onward to the "Campaign Setting" and "Monsters and Menaces" section.
Game Master?
The Game Master or GM describes events that occur in the game universe. In some system, the Game Master is called 'The Story Teller'. However, the role is more popularly known as the Dungeon Master.
Players take turns acting on what they hear from the GM by sharing what their characters do in the universe. However, unlike simple storytelling, the actions Characters take are not certain. The success of an action is left to some degree of chance according to dice rolls. Some actions are more challenging than others and the GM helps to determine how difficult actions are. Players usually go on adventures with other Players exploring the Story and world the GM describes. The GM can also have other made up Characters (usually called NPCs, or non-player characters) to help with Storing telling and to give the Player Characters someone to interact with such as a villain!
Dice Notation
A 'd' what? There are more than 6 sides to dice!? Yes! There are all sorts of dice out there! The most common type people are used too is the six sided die, usually having numbers represented by dots. In many pen and paper games, and especially in the d20 system, there are a lot of different types of dice that are used. To quickly say what type of die is required, someone may say, "Roll a d20," or "Use a d12". They are simply using a notation. The 'd' is for die, and the number is the number of sides on the die. Like so:
- d4 = four sided die
- d6 = six sided die
- d8 = eight sided die
- d10 = ten sided die
- d12 = twelve sided die
- d20 = twenty sided die
Why so many dice!? Well, lots of reasons, but the end result is that they can represent different weapons or percent of a chance for action. Don't worry, your character sheet will always let you know what die to rule under what circumstances.
There is one other die notation:
- d% = percentile dice (a number between 1 and 100 is generated by rolling two different ten-sided dice. One (designated before rolling) is the tens digit, and the other is the ones digit. Two 0s represent 100.)
Die rolls are expressed in the format: [#] die type [+/- modifiers]
Example: 3d6+2 means: "Roll 3 six sided dice. Add the result of the three dice together, then add 2 for the total."
Die Levels
Level | Hit Die |
Level 1 | 1d2 |
Level 2 | 1d4 |
Level 3 | 1d6 |
Level 4 | 1d8 |
Level 5 | 1d10 |
Level 6 | 1d12 |
Level 7 | 2d8 |
Level 8 | 2d10 |
Level 9 | 2d12 |
Level | Hit Die |
Level 1 | 1d2 |
Level 2 | 1d4 |
Level 3 | 1d6 |
Level 4 | 1d8 |
Level 5 | 1d10 |
Level 6 | 1d12 |
Level 7 | 1d12 + 1d2 |
Level 8 | 1d12 + 1d4 |
Level 9 | 1d12 + 1d6 |
Some times there may be an effect that "increases the die level by one". Die levels are simply a ranking of each die ordered from the lowest max results to the highest mas results. So from 1d4 all the way to 2d12. The tables to the right shows examples:
There are two different Die Levels. The start out the same but they become different after level 6. The Die Levels used for Weapons and Advantage go from 1d12 to 2d8 and maxes out at 2d12 at level 9. While the Die Level used for Skills keeps going in a loop and at Level 7 is 1d12+1d2 at level 13 it will be 2d12 + 1d2.
This is simply vocabulary for explaining the size of a Character. If a GM says that a person in the game is Diminutive then all the players can understand the size. There are also some rules surrounding size inside of combat. These vocabulary words are used to define the size of Characters, Space ships and general items in the game.
- Fine:
- Characters: Roughly 1 inch tall or shorter.
- Items: Microscopic
- Diminutive:
- Characters: Over an inch shorter than a foot.
- Items: Visible by the human eye but just barely.
- Tiny:
- Characters: Roughly a foot or more tall.
- Items: Examples would be micromachines, credit cards.
- Small:
- Characters: Between 2 and 4 feet tall.
- Items: Things that could fit in your pocket. Cell phone for example
- Medium:
- Characters: Between 4 and 7 feet tall.
- Items: A Laptop or large tablet. Something you probably need to carry in a backpack.
- Large:
- Characters: Usually indicated that they take up more than a single 5-foot square
- Items: This would require a special backpack to carry or sling. Possibly a suitcase.
- Huge:
- Characters: Usually a monster of some type that takes up more than 4 5ft squares.
- Items: These items you would not be able to carry yourself. A motorcycle would be a good example
- Gargantuan:
- Characters: Usually these creatures take up somewhere between 8 and 12 may be more squares.
- Items: A car or large car.
- Colossal:
- Characters: Massive Creatures. Examples would be like the Blue Whale or some of the larger Dinosaurs.
- Items: A Bus or small house.
Items are a tad tricky. In this case, they only apply to objects from the General Equipment page. Weapons, Armor, vehicles, and other things may have different rules for size. However, this should give you a good working foundation for what is expected. If something stats "moves up a size category" or "Cannot do if one size category higher then you" you know have an idea.
Medium is the default size for just about everything. Characters and so one. The GM has the final say on the size of something in the game if the rules do not clearly specify.
Basic Task Resolution System
As you read on, you will learn about game play and the way in which it revolves around the GM/Story Telling informing Players about their surroundings, and the Players acting on that information. In many cases those Player actions require die rolls that add the aforementioned element of randomness to the adventure. Combat has the largest and most involved set of rules explaining what to roll and when, but what about the day to day stuff? Honestly, the amount of role playing in these events depends greatly on your style and on the GM. Whenever there is a conflict or simply any other choice/task where there is a reasonable possibility for some degree of failure, Players should roll. That sounds kinda open to interpretation, and that's because it is. It's designed in such a way as to give freedom to the GM and Players alike.
There is a standardized system for determining the success or failure of any given task:
- d20 + Modifiers vs. Target Number
Modifiers: A modifier is anything you add on top of your die roll, usually to boost it and help your chances for success. In almost all cases this is an Ability Scores modifier, but there are exceptions. Those are explained later or when you come cross them.
Target Number: In combat the Target Number is usually the enemies 'AC' or "Armor Class". It can also be a 'DC' or "Difficulty Check". These will be explained later, but for now here is example: a character is trying to disarm a bomb. The bomb has a "DC" or Difficulty of 20. The Player's Target Number that they must beat when doing the roll is 20.
The Modifiers and Target Number are determined by the type of task. If the result of the d20 roll + the Modifiers equals or exceeds the Target Number, the test is successful. Any other result is a failure. A "natural 20" on the die roll is not an automatic success. A "natural 1" on the die roll is not an automatic failure, unless the rules state otherwise. <=(My house rules state that a roll of a natural '1' that results in a failure is a critical failure, the outcome of which is determined by a table or phone app, the latter of which is streamlined and works best. This adds an element of uncertainty and excitement to the combat. These 'critical failures' may result in just a normal failure, in something unexpected, or in something catastrophic occurring. I've found that my players tend to ask for this if I've forgotten or omitted it, perhaps since enemies are prone to these as well.)
A "natural" anything is when you roll a d20, in which case you get that number, as apposed to unnatural, meaning that the number was only reached after adding modifiers too it. So a "natural 20" would mean you rolled a d20 and got the number 20 before you added your modifiers.
Hate math? Well I would lie if I said I do too... buuuut in gaming it can be a bore. We want gaming to be swift and action packed, and not represent homework. So in general, if you wind up with a fraction, round down, even if the fraction is one-half or larger. A fairly simple rule, and one we hope you never have to use. In short, you should almost never deal with a fraction.
Exception: Certain rolls, such as damage and hit points, have a minimum of 1.
Sometimes a special rule makes you multiply a number or a die roll. As long as you’re applying a single multiplier, multiply the number normally. When two or more multipliers apply however, combine them into a single multiple, with each extra multiple adding 1 less than its value to the first multiple. Thus, a double (x2) and a double (x2) applied to the same number results in a triple (x3, because 2 + 1 = 3). Again we hope to avoid unnecessary extra arithmetic. <=(Unsure about this, as it seems that x2 + x2 == x4.)
Other Common Definitions/Notations
- These two words are interchangeable. They both refer to a Character that is playable by either the Game Master or a Player. They gain levels and have Classes and so on. A Player makes a Character/Hero as there avatar that they control in the game.
- AC stands for Armor Class. It is how well defended a Character is and how hard it is too hit them. Armor Class tries to represent both the Armor a target has but also easy it is for them to dodge or simply how hard it may be to land a hit that may do damage. 10 + Armor Bonus + Dexterity Modifier + Siz Modifier + Natural Armor + Misc Modifier.
Accuracy Check/Attack Roll
- Accuracy Check/Attack Roll. These two phrases are interchangeable and mean the same thing. They imply that a player needs to roll a d20 and add the correct modifiers to determine the success of an attack. The roll is usually d20 + Advantage Die (If proficient with the weapon) + Dexterity Modifier for Ranged and Strength Modifier for Melee.
- How quick a Character can react to the environment. This helps determine the question of 'What team goes first?' in combat. It also is used to resolve a conflict between Characters such as 'Who gets to the door first?'. It is calculated by adding both Wisdom and Dexterity Modifiers together.
Class/Advance Class
- Class andAdvance Classes are specific 'paths' a Hero can choose that provide lays of customization that are what help allow your Character to stand out among the others. Classes usually refer to Future Hero Base Classes.
- Talents: These are special features that are specific to a certain Path or Advance Class.
- Feats: These are special abilities or features that can be picked by any Character and help define the role that Character is attempting to fill.
- Traits: These are provided usually at level one by the Species one picks.
Check/Saving Throw/Roll
- All these just imply the use of dice. A Check is a way to confirm if an action preformed by the Character is successful. While a Saving Throw is to see if an action preformed on a Character is successful.
Damage Types
- Damage can be given to a Character in different ways. The default is with 'Kinetic' energy. If not specified Kinetic is the default damage type. There are 4 different damage types in Future Path. There is Chemical/Electrical/Kinetic/Thermal. DR can guard against a specific type or against all at the same time. Learn more about it here.
DR (Damage Reduction)
- DR stands for Damage reduction. This acts sorta like a barrier that removes some of the damage that would otherwise be subtracted from your Hit Points. If a Character has 10 HP and 2 DR and gets hits for 8 points of damage then DR adsorbs 2 points leaving 6 to be subtracted from the 10 HP leaving only 4 left. DR can be provided by personal shields or by Armor through customization. There are DR for certain damage types to which there are 4 of and then there is Total DR which guards against all damage types.
The Most Important Rule
Have fun! Seriously its a game! Not all the rules listed on this site may fit your adventure. If changing them allows for fun, and fair play for all Players then why not? And why not share those changes online with the community? Keep in mind that following a set of rules helps build the imaginary world that can be shared with all players. If you suggest a change to a rule everybody needs to be aware of it. Often, the GM may have his/her own "house rules." But again... Have fun! Don't worry too much if one rule doesn't make as much sense as another. Its a game. Feel free to try out new ideas. Think of it as a different game mode. As long as there is continuity between Players and GMs understanding of the rules, feel free to experiment.
This doesn't mean these rules are meaningless, only that they have a place. They are here to help build a fun adventure for everyone. If they have not succeeded at that, then either this game is not for you or perhaps the rules need work. Also, we picked these rules and built this system intentionally for the purpose of playing and having fun. If you haven't tried our particular rule set please at least attempt to use it in its whole and original state before passing judgment and making your own tweaks.