Advance Classes Scratch

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Scientist may make grand discoveries about the universe and our place in it. But Engineers are the ones that exploit those discoveries and make this useful and piratical in every day life. Engineers are the corner stone of modern Civilizations. They make sure that society keeps moving day to day. Silently working in the background repairing the machines of industry. However some do not like the mundane quite life hidden in the shadows of civilization. Some venture forth and try there luck out in the galactic frontier. Or in some other exciting position that brings an escape from monotony.

Software has been know to be extremely flexible, especially with artificial intelligence. However hardware is not. And hardware is the engineer's forte. Out in the galaxy there is an unknown amount of unimaginable obstacles to face. Engineers are known for their knowledge in how things work, how to fix things and make them more efficient. They can often bybass security measures or whip up special weapons or equipment in the field. It would be ridiculous for a team of colonizers to not bring an engineer too a new unknown planet. In the middle of a battle if the teams firearms prove useless because of the atmosphere. The job of a engineer can mean life and death for all involved. Those willing to leave there comfortable life, there cozy workshops, garages and shipyards may find riches and adventure.

Choose Engineer if you want your character to excel at building, modifying, repairing, and disabling electrical and mechanical equipment, including weapons.

The fastest path into this advanced class is through the Path of Intelligence(Smart Hero), though other paths are possible.

Requirements: To qualify to become an Engineer, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

  1. Level: At least Level 2
  2. Core Class: Path of Intelligence OR Ability: Intelligence Score 16+ OR Ability: Wisdom Score 15+ and Intelligence of 12+


  1. Cannot use Heavy Weapons

Class Information:

Ability Affinity: Intelligence and Wisdom

Class Skills: The Engineer’s class skills are as follows. Computer Use (Int), Craft [Electronic, Mechanical, Structural](Int), Disable Device (Int), Choose Any Three Knowledge(Int), Study(Int)

Table: The Engineer
Class Level Special
1st Builder, improve kit (+1)
Superior Repair
2nd Quick craft
3rd Sabotage
One with Machines
4th Improve kit (+2), Reconfigure weapon
5th Craft XP reserve, quick craft
Extra Attack
6th Craft XP reserve
Bonus Feat
7th Craft XP reserve, improve kit (+3), quick fix
8th Craft XP reserve, weapon upgrade
9th Craft XP reserve
10th Craft XP reserve, Unflustered

Engineer's Class Features

Superior Repair
At 1st level, an Engineer learns improved ways of repairing robots, vehicles, starships, and cybernetic attachments.

An Engineer with a mechanical tool kit and an appropriate facility (a workshop, garage, or hangar) can repair damage to a robot, vehicle, mecha, starship, or cybernetic attachment. (Without a mechanical tool kit, the Engineer takes a –4 penalty on the Repair check.) With 1 hour of work, the engineer can restore a number of hit points based on his Repair check result, as shown in Table: Superior Repair. If damage remains, the Engineer may continue to make repairs for as many hours as needed to fully repair the damaged robot, vehicle, mecha, starship, or cybernetic attachment.

Table: Superior Repair:
Repair Check Result Damage Repaired
Less than 20 None
20–29 2d6 + Engineer class level
30–39 3d6 + Engineer class level
40 4d6 + Engineer class level
Quick Construction
At 1st level, an engineer learns how to craft general equipment such as scratch-built electronic, mechanical, and structural objects more quickly than normal. When using the Craft (electronic), Craft (mechanical), or Craft (structural) skill to build General Equipment item, the Engineer reduces the building time by 1/2.
At 5th level, the Engineer reduces the building time of ordinary objects and mastercraft objects by half.
At 3rd level and beyond, the Engineer can sabotage an electrical or mechanical object so that it operates poorly. The Engineer must succeed on a Disable Device check (DC 20) to accomplish the downgrade, and sabotaging a mastercraft object is slightly harder (DC 20 + the mastercraft object’s bonus feature). Noticing the Engineer’s handiwork without first testing the sabotaged device requires a successful Search check (DC = the Engineer’s Disable Device check result). Fixing the sabotaged item requires a successful Repair.
Sabotage Device: As a full-round action, the Engineer can reconfigure a device with electrical or mechanical components so that anyone who uses it suffers a penalty equal to the Engineer’s class level on skill checks made to use the device.
Sabotage Weapon: As a full-round action, the Engineer can sabotage a weapon so that it misfires or breaks the next time it is used. A sabotaged weapon cannot be used effectively until repaired. This use of sabotage also applies to vehicle and starship weapons. An Engineer cannot sabotage a weapon used or on a person. However one can sunder the weapon first and then sabotage it for later.
One with Machines
At 3rd level the Engineer gets the Armor Proficiency (Powered) feat regardless if the Engineer qualifies. This allows the Engineer to use Power Armor. For the Engineer wearing power armor provides no restrictions.
Reconfigure Weapon
At 4th level, an Engineer can reconfigure a melee or ranged weapon, improving one aspect of it. Reconfigure a weapon requires 1 hour of work and a successful Repair check (DC 20); reconfigure a mastercraft weapon is slightly harder (DC 20 + the weapon’s mastercraft bonus feature). An Engineer may take 10 or take 20 on this check. The reconfiguration imposes a –1 penalty on attack rolls made with the weapon but grants one of the following benefits indefinitely:
Changed Rate of Fire: The reconfiguration changes the weapon’s rate of fire. A semiautomatic-only weapon switches to an automatic-only weapon, or vice versa. This benefit applies only to a ranged weapon with either a semiautomatic or automatic fire setting.
Greater Ammo Capacity: The reconfigured weapon can hold 50% more ammunition than normal. This benefit applies only to weapons that take ammunition.
Greater Concealment: The reconfiguration grants a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the reconfigured weapon.
Greater Range Increment: The reconfigured weapon’s range increment increases by 10 feet. This benefit applies only to weapons with range increments.
Signature Shooter: The weapon is reconfigured for a single individual’s use only and is treated as a unique exotic weapon. Anyone else who uses the weapon takes a –4 nonproficient penalty on attack rolls.
Weapons can be reconfigured multiple times; each time a weapon is reconfigured, it imparts a new benefit but takes another -1 penalty. Undoing an Engineer’s weapon reconfiguration requires 1 hour and a successful Disable Device check (DC 20 + the Engineer’s class level). The reconfiguration must still follow the rules laid out in the Weapons page.
The Weapon's price is still the normal price if not cheaper as it appear it has been tinkered with.
Craft XP Reserve
Starting at 5th level, an Engineer with the Mastercrafter feat can build mastercraft electronic and mechanical devices without investing as much of himself in the process.
At 5th level and every level thereafter, an Engineer gains a special reserve of experience points equal to 100 × his Engineer class level. These extra experience points are separate from experience gained through level advancement and can only be used to make mastercraft items; they do not count toward level gain.
An Engineer must spend the extra experience points he gains at each level, for when the Engineer gains a level, he loses any unspent experience points in his reserve.
Bonus Feat
At 6th level the Engineer can gain a Bonus Feat for free if eligible
Quick Fix
At 7th level, the Engineer can repair a mechanical or electrical device in combat as a full round action. However, cutting the repair time increases the Repair check DC by 5.
Weapon Upgrade
At 8th level, an Engineer can upgrade handheld or robot-installed weapons, as well as weapon systems aboard vehicles, mecha, or starships.
Table: Weapon Upgrade :
Handheld/Robot Weapon Upgrade DC
Weapon also dazes target for 1 round 25
Weapon also knocks target prone 30
Weapon leaves target shaken for 1d4 rounds 35
Weapon also stuns target for 1d4 rounds 40
Vehicle/Mecha/Starship Weapon Upgrade DC
Weapon deals an extra two dice of damage 25
Weapon ignores 5 points of target’s hardness/DR 30
Weapon’s critical hit multiplier increases by 1 35
Weapon ignores 10 points of target’s hardness/DR 40
The Engineer must spend 1 hour tinkering with the weapon, after which he must succeed at a Craft (mechanical) check. The DC varies depending on how the weapon is modified, as shown in Table: Weapon Upgrade. If the skill check fails, the attempt to modify the weapon also fails, although the Engineer may try again. (The engineer may take 20 on the skill check, but the upgrade takes 20 hours to complete.) An upgraded weapon has a 10% chance of breaking after each time it is used; it cannot be used again until repaired, and repairing it requires 1 hour and a successful Repair check (DC 40).
A 10th-level Engineer can perform complicated tasks as free actions.
During any round in which the Engineer uses the Computer Use, Craft, Demolitions, Disable Device, or Repair skill, he can first make a Intelligence check (DC 15) to use the desired skill as a free action. Making the Intelligence check doesn’t cost the Engineer an action.