Kinetic Base: (Tech 0 thru 4) This is the default weapon type. No advantages or disadvantages.
Energy: (Tech 1 thru 4) This uses pure electric energy to add a kick to the damage dealt.
- Advantages:
- Damage type is Electric
- +1 Damage
- Disadvantages:
- It automatically looses 1 Ammunition Amount.
Plasma: (Tech 3 thru 4) This weapon uses the 4th state of matter to deal extreme damage to targets.
- Advantages:
- Damage type is Thermal
- Damage Die level increased by one. (This doesn't effect the actual level of the weapon and by extension the base price)
- Disadvantages:
- Range is reduced by one range increment
- This item automatically looses 1 ammunition amount.
- Ammunition costs as if it was special amo.
Gravity: (Tech 3 thru 4) This uses one of the 4 fundamental forces of physics to deal difficult to avoid damage
- Advantages:
- Damage type is None. There is no weakness or strength associated with Gravity
- The weapon gains +1 AP damage.
- The weapon also gains an area of effect base attack. The radius is based on the weapon power level: Small 5ft, Medium 10ft, Large 15ft, Gigantic 30ft. This only counts if the attacker doesn't misses more then 5. All units including the target have to roll a saving throw to only take half damage. DC15
- Disadvantages:
- Add 3 times the base price of the weapon to the weapon total.
- The Procure Diff goes up by 1.
- The ammunition amount is reduced by 1
Particle: (Tech 3 thru 4) Similar to plasma except this weapon uses sub-atomic particles. The reaction is similar to chemical damage.
- Advantages:
- Damage type is Chemical/Kinetic
- +1 Accuracy
- +1 Damage
- Disadvantages:
- Add 2 times the base price of the weapon to the weapon total.
- Ammunition costs as if it was special amo.
Anti-Matter: (Tech 4) This uses the extremely volatile substance that is anti-matter.
- Advantages:
- Damage type is Thermal/Kinetic
- Damage Die level increased by one. (This doesn't effect the actual level of the weapon and by extension the base price)
- +3 AP Damage
- Disadvantages:
- Range is reduced by one range increment
- Add 2 times the base price of the weapon to the weapon total.
- The ammunition amount is reduced by 2
- The Procure Diff goes up by 1.