Captain Position

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The Captain is a Ship Position. There are other ship positions that can be review and can effect this position.

This is considered a Secondary Position. In Hull Sizes Huge or bigger the Captain position is required for a ship to function correctly. If there is not person filling in for the role of Captain then all ship positions automatically take disadvantage.


The Captain is responsible for providing leadership and a strong hierarchical command structure. If the Captain fails then the crew suffer, but if the Captain holds strong and provides good, solid and understandable orders then the crew gains bonuses. The DC for command is different depending on the size of the ship. Large and smaller it is DC14 and for anything bigger it is 16. If the Captain fails by more then 5 then the crew suffers disadvantage on all there rolls. If the Captain succeeds then the crew gain advantage. The DC can also change depending on the severity of the situation as the GM sees fit.

Associated Ship Attribute: None
Officer Functions: Command (Uses a Captain's Charisma Modifier. And can utilize the Leadership, Manager, Spaceship 1st Mate, and Spaceship Captain feats).
Associated Ship Functions: None