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You are skilled at avoiding detection, allowing you to slip past foes or strike from an unseen position. This skill covers hiding and moving silently.


Your Stealth check is opposed by the Perception check of anyone who might notice you. Opponents that fail to beat your Stealth check are not aware of you and treat you as if you had total concealment. You can move up to half your normal speed and use Stealth at no penalty. When moving at a speed greater than half but less than your normal speed, you take a –5 penalty. It's impossible to use Stealth while attacking, running, or charging.

Opponents gain a bonus or penalty on Stealth checks based on their size: Fine +16, Diminutive +12, Tiny +8, Small +4, Medium +0, Large –4, Huge –8, Gargantuan –12, Colossal –16.

If people are actively observing you using any of their senses (but typically sight), you can't use Stealth. Against most Opponents finding cover or concealment allows you to use Stealth. If your observers are momentarily distracted (such as by a Bluff check), you can attempt to use Stealth. While the others turn their attention from you, you can attempt a Stealth check if you can get to an unobserved place of some kind. This check, however, is made at a –10 penalty because you have to move fast. An opponent cannot be actively observing you if you are behind them or they are being flanked and you are on there flank.

Special Situations

Breaking Stealth

When you start your turn using Stealth, you can leave cover or concealment and remain unobserved as long as you succeed at a Stealth check and end your turn in cover or concealment. Your Stealth immediately ends after you make an attack roll, whether or not the attack is successful (except when sniping as noted below).


If you've already successfully used Stealth at least 100 feet from your target, you can make one Ranged attack and then immediately use Stealth again. You take a –20 penalty on your Stealth check to maintain your obscured location. You cannot immediately use Stealth again if you use your Bonus or Extra Attacks unless specified by an Advanced Class.

Creating a Diversion to Hide

You can use a Feint (Bluff check) to allow you to use Stealth. A successful Feint can give you the momentary diversion you need to attempt a Stealth check while people are aware of you.


Usually none. Normally, you make a Stealth check as part of movement, so it doesn't take a separate action.


  • If you are invisible (with something like a personal clocking device), you gain a +30 bonus on Stealth checks if you are immobile, or a +15 bonus on Stealth checks if you're moving.
  • If you have the Stealthy Feat, you get a Misc +2 bonus on the Stealth skill.