CQB Hybrid Sub Gun

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CQB Hybrid Sub Gun

Main Attributes:

Name: CQB Hybrid Sub Gun

Power / Speed (Total Level/Dice): Medium / Super Faster = Level 5/ 1d12

Weapon Arch Type: Close Quarters Specialized Weapon

Range: 100ft

Default Attributes:

Masterwork: No

Cost/Procure Diff: $3,398 / 1


Secondary Attributes:

Accuracy Bonus: 0

Bonus Damage: 0

DR Damage: 0

Critical Damage: x3

Critical Range: 19-20

Damage Type: Kinetic-Chemical

Ammunition: 3

Reload Speed: Standard

Weight: Roughly 2 to 3 pounds

Bonus Abilities: Fully Unload


Accessories and Description:

Weapon Accessories
This is a specialized CQB gun designed to fire chemical reactants with the bullets to cause extra pain and damage at entry wounds.
The 'Close Quarters Specialized Weapon' forces the weapon to only have the range of 100ft but does allow for an extra bonus to critical damage and grants the 'Fully Unload' ability.