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Summary: Alpha denotes that the rules are not yet complete and may need heavy tweaking. Beta is reserved for when 90%+ of the rules are complete and only tweaking of the rules is required. Beta should focus on adding more content such as item examples, different classes, feats and so on. While also taking the time to test the software. Release Candidates will try to freeze all rules. Playtesting is not required. Here any artwork and last minute theme/stylization work to the website and apps is meant to be done. Also, all my horrible grammar and spelling will be checked.

The first Release should be scheduled tentatively for Q1 of 2021.

Alpha 1: Complete

Setup the basic rules and layout of the game. Got enough starting material to do a trail game.

Alpha 2: Complete

Based on lessons learned from Alpha 1, Alpha 2 was improved upon with more content and new rules including the introduction of Hero Companions, power armor. and more items/weapons/armor.

Alpha 2.5: In Progress

Based on feedback from Alpha 2, the space ship combat needed to be highly revised. Healing and Death were not well understood and items/Techniques regarding restoring Hit points were a mess.

Alpha 2.9: Incomplete

This was originally planned to be part of Alpha 2.5 but instead, all extra content surrounding Space Ships such as there accessories and space ship examples will be put on hold until Alpha 2.5 is tested to make sure current rules work. Once that is done work to 'fill in the blanks' will be done. Also balancing work for the Techniques and Advance Class talents needs work.

Alpha 3: Not Started

  1. The introduction of a 'Bestiary' or 'Monster Manual' to be added. This will be called "Monsters, Mods, and MasterMinds".
  2. Difficulties rules to be finished which will include 'Cybernetics', 'Mutations', and 'Psionics'. And the species Graylings will now be playable.
  3. Add 'Prestige Classes', 'ArchTypes' and/or 'Backgrounds'. (It is possible that Backgrounds and Arch Types will be combined into one system.
  4. A review of the Hero Companion rules.
  5. A review and refresh of the Transporation page/rules.
  6. Further integration of the optional 'Inertia' rules.

Alpha 4: Optional

An Alpha 4 may be necessary to finish testing and updating all the rules for 'Advanced Character' customizations.

Beta 1: Not Started

  1. Overall more content in the terms of Items, Weapon Examples, Armor Examples, Spaceship Examples, Accessories.
  2. More Prestige Classes and ArchTypes
  3. Review and add flavor text.
  4. Trial the first combined software suit for Future Path which will primarily focus on a character sheet building and managing tool. And custom Weapon/Armor/Spaceship creation tools.
  5. A more series look into the artwork

Beta 2: Unknown

Beta 3: Optional

Release Candidate 1: Unknown

Release Candidate 2: Optional

Release 1: Unknown

Hopefully, this will happen sometime by Q1 of 2021.